Click on the name to view the obituary file. (See also note
Those names that include photos are followed by an icon " ". Click on the icon to view the photo
Name |
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Acosta, Lacey Dias
Adams, David J.
Adams, Rusty Paul
Ahlf, Loretta Bonvillain Bergeron
Alexander, Phillip Osborne
Alexander, Virgie Lee Barlow
Andras, Harry Paul, Sr.
Aucoin, Jimmey J., Sr.
Authement, Mary "Tut" Pitre
Bacheller, Clyde Worden
Barrios, Donald
Bascle, Harris Anthony "Skinny", Sr.
Becnel, Dano
Benoit, Arthur Antoine
Bergeron, Norman J.
Blanchard, Arthur Ford
Bonvillain, Beverly Ann Brown
Borne, Ann Frances "Princess" Daigle
Boudreaux, Farold
Bourgeois, Garnett Marie Picou
Bourgeois, Rayford J.
Boutain, Ke'Iona
Breaux, Edward "Eddie" James
Breaux, Eloise Daigle
Breaux, Harold
Breaux, Sister Juanita
Brunet, Ira Joseph, Jr.
Butler, Margie Norris
Byerly, Douglas Craig
Caminita, Salvador "Sal" John, Sr.
Carlos, Charles Edmond
Cedotal, Wilhelmina Dupre
Cheramie, Anjest J. "Mr. C."
Cheramie, Gerald J.
Cheramie, Rena Trosclair
Coleman, Ju'el
Combs, Doris Camp
Cooper, Richard H.
Cousin, Christine Mull
Cuneo, Alvin J.
Daigle, Warren J., Jr.
Daigle, Willie J.
Davidson, Cecilia LeBlanc
Davis, Jareonte
Dazee, Patrick "Pat" Joseph
Defelice, Roland Vincent
Degruise, Paul J., Sr.
DeHart, Beulah Agnes Verret
Dehart, Chris "Mitch"
DeLong, Nelson Earl, Jr.
Devine, Tammy Marie
Doucet, Fornest
Doucet, John Allen, Sr.
Drapekin, Adele B raun
Duet, Edmond "Vieux"
Dufrene, Andy Joe Nicholas
Dufrene, Gary Michael
Dufrene, Gaston J.
Dufrene, Kim Anthony
Dufrene, Mary J.
Dupre, Cecile LeBouef Naquin
Dupre, Dennis Desire
Dupre, Olivia LeBouef
Dupre, Roland Joseph, Sr.
Duthu, Marcel Isidore, Jr.
Duval, Steve Anthony
Eschete, Hilda "Granny"
Esteve, Anna Guillotte
Fischer, Joan Ann Samanie
Folse, Landreau Joseph, Jr.
Folse, Lydia Foret
Frazier, Ernest A., Jr.
Freeman, Mabel Rose Melancon
Gaudet, Gabriel Gaston
George, Barbara Ann
Gershner, Doris Rita Babin
Giordano, Jeanne Louise Fremin
Goodwin, Cindy Clarice
Griffin, Ethel Voisin
Guidry, Leroy Francis, Sr.
Guillot, Charles J.
Harding, Beverly Ann Darnell
Haston, Rev Alphonse, Sr.
Hawkins, Phyllis Michele
Heathcott, Maxine Beights
Hebert, Allen Joseph
Hendon, Elie Dalton "Babe"
Henry, Helen Leonard
Jett, Patricia Ann
Johnson, Rondlu Jarmon
Jones, Ora Aubert
Jordan, Ruby Rhine
Keneaster, Vergie Fermin
Kern, Dolores G.
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Knight, Isaiah
Lapeyrouse, Waldron Paul
LaCoste, Jerrel Douglas "Bud"
Lagarde, Francis J.
Lapeyre, Janet Kerne
LeBlanc, Pearl H.
LeBouef, J. C. "Snook" Paul
Ledet, Thomas "Tommy" David
Lindsay, Norma Marie
Lirette, John R.
Livas, Roland "Fudge". Jr.
Malbrough, Wayne Charles
Martin, Daniel Joseph
Martin, Gerald Paul
Martin, Louis Tilman
Marzett, Daisy Larvadain
Matthews, Oliver "Mug" Donald, Sr.
Mazilly, Carol Hogg
McCorkel, Cleveland Wesley, Sr.
McCorkel, Margie Virginia Sabler
McCoy, Cody ScottMcPherson, Ta'Janique
Melancon, Neva "Nicket" Cheramie
Michel, Genevieve Rock
Mire, Elsie R.
Mire, Ethel Keller
Naquin, Floyd Joseph
Naquin, Jean Edward
Naquin, Viola Authement
Neal, Cal J.
Neuling, Florence "Flo" Slover
O'Krepki, Iris Picou
Olivier, Christian Louis "Buster", Jr.
Ordoyne, Calvin "Boy-Boy" Paul
Ordoyne, Leodie
Orgeron, Irene Punch
Oubre, Amelise Joseph, Jr.
Parker, Doris Lee
Patterson, Donald Dudley
Paz, Gabi and Gabriela
Pearson, Elma Adams
Pellegrin, Tiffany Lynn
Pertee, Jena E. Tanner
Picou, Marsan Sylvestre
Picou, Reynold Joseph, Sr.
Pitre, Barry Joseph, Sr.
Plaisance, Edwin "To-Tut"
Plaisance, Ernest Anthony "Bodygard, Sr.
Poindexter, Cassandra Marie
Pontiff, Mack A.
Randall, Barbara Zeno
Randazzo, George "Sonny" B.
Rhodes, Lucille Toups
Rhodes, Roy James
Rose, Mathilda
Royal, Goldie Jennie Carter
Samanie, Ernest "Fatso", Sr.
Savoie, Audrey Trosclair
Savoie, Lawrence Joseph "Katin"
Savoie, Lucia Dufrene
Scott, John J.
Scott, Sherdon "Scottie" Joseph, Jr.
Shelton, Garrel, Sr.
Simoneaux, Ellen Maria
Smith, Joseph Paul "Smitty"
Soignet, Jim
Spencer, Elgin, Jr.
St. Pierre, Alice Angelette
Stoves, James "JC" Clarence
Tabor, Leonard, Jr.
Tabor, Johnny J.
Tardiff, Alfred "A. J."
Taylor, Gary Lee
Templet, Philip J., Jr.
Terrebonne, Clarence Anthony
Thibodaux, Thomas J., Sr.
Thomas, Hermam
Torres, Vertner J.
Touchard, Bessie Frickey
Toups, Larry Paul
Traylor, Laura Riley
Tregre, Inez Richard
Trosclair, Milton joseph, Sr.
Vegas, Melva "Jean"
Waddell, Booker Theodore "Man"
Waller, Dontrell David
Warren, William Jackson
Washam, William "Billy" Jack, Jr.
Wesley, Winnie K.
Williams, Wallace "Beatty", Jr.
Williams, Willie "Cowboy", Jr.
Wilson, Martha
Winstead, Lloyd C. "Capt.", Jr.
Womack, Iona D.
Additional Note :
Because of the size of the obituary file and to assure proper
search of the entire file,
the obituary file for July 2006 has been divided into three
Section1--1 August through 10 August
Section 2--11 August through 20 August
Section 3--21 August through 31 August
Click on the section above to browse the file of interest