Click on the name to view the obituary file. (See also note
Those names that include photos are followed by an icon " ". Click on the icon to view the photo
Name |
Photo |
Adams, Lynette "Lyn" LeBouef
Ainsworth, Lee A. "Tommy"
Anderson, Burl, Jr.
Anderson, Harris "Horace", Sr.
Anselmi, Acton Joseph, Sr.
Bell, Daniel Everette, Jr.
Bellow, Violet H.
Benoit, Myron Antoine
Bergeron, Melvin Paul
Boudreaux, JoAnne Delatte
Bourgeois, Sister Sally Ann, MSC
Breaux, Bridget Hebert
Breaux, Charles Joseph, Sr.
Bro ussard, Alton "Bruce"
Broussard, Sophie Jane
Brown, Bart Michael
Brown, Carla Jean Hampton
Bruce, Leroy "Do Do"
Bullock, Beau J.
Camardelle, Zachary J.
Cantrelle, Louella Defelice
Carmouche, Christopher Gilbert
Caro, Roy Francis, Sr.
Cenac, Wilma Louise Lapeyrouse
Chaisson, Gary and JoAnn
Chatagnier, Jimmie P.
Champagne, Norma robichaux
Chauvin, Ennis "T-Boy"
Cheramie, Emily Marie Trosclair
Cheramie, Gloria "Lamae" Pitre
Cheramie, Janai' Paige
Cheramie, John Joseph
Chiasson, Raymond Joseph, Sr.
Clark, George Strickland
Conrad, Shirley Rita Kihneman
Cook, Rut h Marie Lyons Hebert
Cortez, (Baby)
Cox, Betty Jane Freeman Hebert
Coxon, Mary Loise
David, Clemence Bouzigard
Degravel, Robert
deGravelles, Percy J. "Pete", Jr.
Delaune, Elson J. "Slim", Jr.
Dennis, Gladys Bergeron
Duplantis, Elmer Joseph
Duplantis, Kenneth Paul "Paul"
Duplantis, Rannie J., Jr.
Duplantis, Regina Marie
Dupre, Cecile LeBouef Naquin
Dupre, Jeannette Boudreaux
Dupre, Octave "Sue" Pierre, Jr.
Eastwood, Philip Cahrles
Edsberg, Marion Cecile
Folse, Albert
Folse, Lawless "Roach"
Giroir, Clifton "Pookie", III
Grabert, Raymond James, Sr.
Graff, Lloyd "Mack" McKenzie, Jr.
Granier, Byron John
Griffin, Bessie Ann Cortez
Griffin, Lula Mae
Guidry, Hazel Ann
Guidry, Pershing E.
Guillot, Dennis Paul
Guillot, Esther "Teet Esta" Melancon Chauvin
Guillot, Judith Marie
Guthrie, Thomas Joseph, Jr.
Hanks, Evelyn Ruth
Harding, Beverly Ann Darnell
Hebert, Alex, Jr.
Hebert, Anna M.
Hebert, Bethany Jane Burleigh
Hebert, Eve Babin
Hebert, Patsy Trahan
Hebert, Stella Marie Hutchinson
Heck, Carl E.
Heinen, Craig Steven
Hicks, Beverly Jean
Jaccuzzo, Johnny M.
Name |
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Jackson, Joseph Junius, Sr.
Johnson, Mary "Sue" N.
Johnson, Royal "Slim Jenkins"
Jupiter, Kentavion Louis
Kennedy, Beverly "Nanie Lovell
Kern, Jo Ann J.
Kraemer, Clothile Granier
Landry, Gary Joseph, Sr.
Landry, Rev. Stephen Ernest, Sr.
Ledet, Gertie Griffin
Ledet, Wayne
Leedy, Larry Leroy
Leonard, Sadie Mae Christen
Lirette, Helen "Lena"
Loveless, William T.
Madere, Thomas Davis
Marcel, Francis J.
Maronge, Adam A.
Martin, Garth Allen
Mason, Herman "Big Man", II
May, Danny
McDaniel, Anita Geraldine Byrd
Miles, Mary Ann
Miller, Junious "JA"
Miner, Mildred Williams
Mitchell, Carlos Gene
Mobley, Toby J.
Morgan, Ruth Mae Williams
Oeser, Richard Arlin
Orgeron, Mona Griffin
Pack, Bruce
Parks, Vanice "Brother"
Pelt, Kory Christopher
Pitre, Barry Joseph, Sr.
Pitre, Clarence "Sue"
Plaisance, Edwin "To-Tut"
Positerry, Emile "Black"
Prosperie, Dorothy Bascle
Punch, Melvin "Joe" Joseph
Ramsey, Genevieve Babin Bergeron
Redman, Rufus "Hite", Jr.
Reynolds, Thomas E. "Redman", Jr.
Rhodes, Calvin Francis
Richard, Jason
Richards, Alice Odelle Standard
Richards, Jane Pearson
Robichaux, Merle A. Dunn
Robichaux, Wilbert "Robie" J.
Robinson, Creasy A.
Rodrigue, Westley Joseph
Samanie, Jason Ivy
Sausage, John
Savoie, Earl Paul
Scott, Carl P.
Scott, Norris Anthony
Simoneaux, Elmire B.
Sinclair, Charles Ralph
Smith, Joseph Paul "Smitty"
Walter joseph "White"
Talbot, Lauren Gregory
Tassin, Aubin J. "Rooney", Jr.
Theriot, Erroll J., Sr.
Thibodaux, Joachim F. "Bill"
Thibodaux, Lawrence J. "Sonny"
Toups, Mary Gayle
Toups, Merita Ann Champagne
Trosclair, John W., Jr.
Trosclair, Rosalie Legendre
Voisin, Ray Cyprian
Walker, Julia Anding
Weaver, Jacqulyn B.
Welch, Jeremy Dale
White, Todd Allen
Williams, Earl
Williams, Lydia T.
Williams, Robin R.
Wilson, Lilly "Cook"
Woodruff, Ruth K.
Young, James B. "Jimmy"
Additional Note:
Because of the size of the obituary file and to assure proper
search of the entire file,
the obituary file for July 2006 has been divided into three
Section1--1 July through 10 July
Section 2--11 July through 20 July
Section 3--21 July through 31 July
Click on the section above to browse the file of interest