Map depicting sections used in extracting data
The Legion Memorial Cemetery is located in Tensas Parish, Louisiana on
Highway 605 three (3) miles north of Newellton. It may also be reached
from Highway 65 by turning East on Highway 888. Drive one and one-half
(1.5) miles to a dead end, turn right on Highway 605 and drive two tenths
(.2) miles. The cemetery is on the right side of the road and Lake
St.Joseph is on the left side.
The Legion Memorial Cemetery does not have clearly defined sections or
rows. For the convenience of the recording committee, it was divided and
recorded according to the sections below. The names in each section were
recorded row by row beginning at the west boundary and working to the east.
The map is not drawn to scale but is a rough sketch showing the general
areas that were recorded. The recordings were done on November 1 and
November 2,1994 by the following Bruin-Vidal DAR members: Mrs. Keith
Capdepon, Mrs. Alton Browning, Mrs. W.E. Hawkins, Mrs. Burton Ziegler, and
Miss Mary Bondurant.
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