Stevens Cemetery Photos
Stevens Cemetery, Huck Road (Independence) Photos
Lady in charge: Kathy Sue Edwards, PO Box 697, Independence, LA 70443
Contributed by Belford E. Carver
Alma B. & Andrew J. Addison
Harriett Addison
Israel Addison
Nina B. Addison
Thomas J. Addison
William T. Addison
W. Isreal Addison
Jeanette M. Fabre 1934-1938
Reed Family - back of stone
Reed Family - front of stone
A. J. (Dade) Stevens
Dorothy L. Durbin Stevens
Irene McCoy Stevens
Jay Walter Stevens
Nancy Carpenter Stevens
Otis A. Stevens
Otis W. Stevens
Warren Stevens
Warren Russell Stevens
Hoover & Chehardy
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Here's an easy way to get involved: join the Obituary Daily Times effort and start indexing the obituaries in your
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