This page was last updated on
Wednesday, 01-Mar-2023 04:26:56 EST.
| File Size
| Date
| Submitter
Beulah Baptist Church Members List - 1865
| 3K
| Mar, 1999
| Tina Langlois
Minutes of the Bogue Chitto Baptist Association, Oct 6 1877
Held with Spring Creek Church
| 32K
| Jan, 2002
| Carolyn Brumfield Henderson
Minutes of the Bogue Chitto Baptist Association, Sep. 16 1893
| 5K
| Mar, 1999
| Tina Langlois
Minutes of the Bogue Chitto Baptist Association, Sep. 22 1894
| 5K
| Mar, 1999
| Tina Langlois
Minutes of the Bogue Chitto Baptist Association, Sep. 20 1895
| 2K
| Mar, 1999
| Tina Langlois
Minutes of the Bogue Chitto Baptist Association, Oct. 20-22 1910
| 3K
| Mar, 1999
| Tina Langlois
History of Eucharistic Missionaries of St. Dominic
| 3K
| Apr, 2001
| Don Johnson
History of Grace Memorial Church
| 11K
| Jun, 2000
| Jerry & Carol Nelson
"History of Half Moon Bluff Church," by
Magee and Moss
| 194K
| Oct, 1998
| Edie McKinney Talley
Minutes of the Magee's Creek Baptist Association. Oct. 13, 1883
| 30K
| June, 1998
| Jan Craven
Mt Nebo Baptist Church Charter Members
| 3K
| Apr, 1998
| Gerald Buchanan
Mt. Zion Baptist Church Includes old cemetery info
| 3K
| Apr, 2001
| Belford E. Carver
Records and Notes of Old Sharon Church by Robert & Ella Hughes
| 247K
| Nov, 2001
| Jerry Nelson
St. James A.M.E. Church and Burial Grounds
| 5K
| Jan, 2005
| Jerry Nelson
A New St. Joseph Church, 1927 Article by Jim Perrin
| 13K
| Jan, 2007
| Sandra McLellan
Tangipahoa Baptist Association Pastors 1905 - 1913
| 5K
| Nov, 1997
| Sandra McLellan
Records of Church Archives in Louisiana, Livingston and Tangipahoa Parishes, La.
| 11K
| Aug, 1998
| Don Johnson
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