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Lafourche Parish Cemeteries
Important Note

This page was last updated onSunday, 02-Feb-2025 01:07:10 EST

A Cemetery was founded in the 1880's in Thibodaux, La. by the local African-American population.
If this cemetery had a name, it has been lost in time.
But not in location and is an active cemetery to this day.
Over the years as congregations grew and changed names, this cemetery has become a burial location for three Congregations.

Allen Chapel AME Congregation
Calvary United Methodist Congregation
Moses Baptist Congregation

This cemetery is located on part of the area bounded by E. 12th St. (considered as the front entrance of the cemetery),  Goode. St.(dead ends at the cemetery), E. 11th St., and McCulla St.


Over the years, it is reasonable to assume that each congregation selected a section of the cemetery, until today, the address of the cemetery appears to be different for each group.

In 1999, the Lorio Foundation and the Lafourche Heritage Society erected a Marker on E. 12 St.


Sources of burials have been derived from:
Obituaries which give the cemetery name as described by the individual congregation, by actual viewing of the tomb stones within the cemetery.

Obituaries define the cemetery by the three congregation names but tombstones do not.  To accommodate these differences, three separate files have been constructed:

1. Allen Chapel AME
This file records obituary records for the congregation and records from observation of tombstones.
Those records from observation are clearly recorded in the file with the comment "Church affiliation unknown".

2. Moses Baptist #1
(It is not known if the Moses section was near full but this congregation has established a new cemetery at a separate location).

3. Calvary Methodist

Description of the Cemetery:
This cemetery is obviously maintained, with many tombs freshly whitewashed, but does not have any form of fence or marker other than that mentioned above.
There appears to be only one major path through the cemetery from E. 12th St. to E. 11th St.. There are locations for refuse in various places.

Overall condition--Very Good

It isn't known if the the head stones and tombs sank over the years but considering the uniformity of the fill and the lack of tilting, the "sinking" is probably due to land fill over the years.
In any case, many of the older interments are below present level with as much as 1/2 the marker/slab below ground, leaving many gaps in cemetery enumeration.
In parts of the cemetery older markers appear to have been made from cement and hand engraved. Also many have been repaired and the information quality reduced.

There appears to be some order to burial location (rows and pathways) but some face those nearby to make it almost impossible to see the tombstone.

This cemetery has been well preserved by the families caring for their departed.

Cemetery Name and Location Coordinates (Lat/Long) File Last Update
Allen Chapel AME Cemetery, E.12 th St., Thibodaux, Lafourche, La. 29.78824 -90.81622 A-Z 31 Jan 2014
Calvary United Methodist Cemetery, Goode St., Thibodaux, Lafourche, La. 29.78824 -90.81622 A-Z 31 Dec 2013
Moses Baptist Cemetery No.1, McCulla St., Thibodaux, Lafourche, La. 29.78824 -90.81622 A-Z 31 Jan 2014


We are looking for any historical documents, articles, photos, etc. Everyone is urged to donate transcriptions of Acadia Parish bible records, cemeteries, court records, old newspaper articles, biographies of residents, old letters, census data, obituaries, family histories, parish histories, military records, old photographs, etc.

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