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Louisiana Archives

LaFourche Parish Biographies

This page was last updated onSunday, 02-Feb-2025 01:04:50 EST

Filename Date Submitter
Hon. Charles J. Barker Dec. 1997 Mike Miller
G. D. Barrios Dec. 1997 Mike Miller
Herbert W. Barton Dec. 1997 Mike Miller
Thomas Beary Dec. 1997 Mike Miller
Judge Taylor Beattie Dec. 1997 Mike Miller
C. P. Bennings, Jr. Oct. 1999 Mike Miller
William L. Bernard Dec. 1997 Mike Miller
Bamon T. Blake Dec. 1997 Mike Miller
Eugene William Blake Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Dr. Joseph A. Blanchard Dec. 1997 Mike Miller
Lester B. Bourg, DDS Apr. 1998 Mike Mill er
Thomas F. Brooks Dec. 1997 Mike Miller
Louis L. Broussard Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Louis Philip Caillouet Mar. 1998 Mike Miller
E. S. Carver Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
J. U. Champagne Sep. 1998 Mike Miller
A. S. Chappuis Sep. 1998 Mike Miller
Philip Jules Chappuis Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Joseph Alfred Octave Coignet Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Dr. H. Dansereau Jan. 2000 Mike Miller
Hercules Dansereau, MD Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Philip J. Dansereau, MD Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Charles C. Davis Jan. 2000 Mike Miller
Rev. Quincy Ewing Jan. 2000 Mike Miller
Leonard Greenburg May 1999 Deanne Pardue
Levi M. Hargis Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Thomas D. Kent Nov. 1998 Mike Miller
Ewel le A. Kleinpeter Oct. 1998 Mike Miller
Joseph Amilcar Legendre Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Victor Loisel Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
P. Davis Martinez May 1999 Deanne Pardue
Whitmell P. Martin Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Edwin McCollam Oct. 1999 Sherry Sanford
Frank McCulla Oct. 1999 Sherry Sanford
William Hugh Miller Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
G. C. Mills Dec.1997 Mike Miller
Thomas L. Mills Dec. 1997 Mike Miller
James Cross Murphy Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Ozeme Naquin Apr.1998 Mike Miller
Charles Oschwald Oct. 1999 Mike Miller
Andrew Price Oct. 1998 Mike Miller
Alcide Robichaux Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Eugene Robichaux Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Hubert S. Smith, MD Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Ruffin Trousdale Perkins Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Hugh S. Suthon Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Merrick W. Swords, MD Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Hon. Prosper Toups Nov. 1998 Mike Miller
Albert J. Trone Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
Hon. L. A. Trosclair Nov. 1998 Mike Miller
J. R. Verret Oct. 1999 Mike Miller
John M. Walsh Apr. 1998 Mike Miller
N. W. Whitehead Nov. 1998 Mike Miller
Charles C. Williams Dec. 1999 Mike Miller
Robert Burdine Looper June 2011 Christine Tidwell
Brian Joseph Oster June 2011 Christine Tidwell
Velton Paul Guidry June 2011 Christine Tidwell


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