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Louisiana Archives

East Feleciana Parish Court Records

This page was last updated on
Wednesday, 01-Mar-2023 04:26:51 EST

Court Records
File Name Date Submitter
General Topics
Court Records Abstracts Sep 1998 Claude B. Slaton
Court Records Abstract Project Notes 1998 Sep 1998 Claude B. Slaton
William M. Alexander plow sale 1835 1998 Claude B. Slaton
Gideon Allen aution sale 1841 1998 Claude B. Slaton
Harrell Family documents Sep 1998 Claude B. Slaton
Ann M. Higginbotham to Caswell Smith Sep 2007 Ann B. Singleton
Elizabeth Sims to Smith A. Kent 1857 Sep 2007 Ann B. Singleton
Lafayette Sanders to David L. Flucker 1835 Sep 2007 Ann B. Singleton
Ann M. Higginbotham to Thomas L. Andrews 1830 Sep 2007 Ann B. Singleton
John B. Higginbotham to James Nettles 1828 Sep 2007 Ann B. Singleton
William H. Cobb to Clinton Allen 1851 Sep 2007 Ann B. Singleton
Isaac & Polly Allyn - 1830 1998 Claude B. Slaton
Wills, Successions, Probate and Estates
Polly Carr Ingram 'nee Abbott - Curatorship of her as a minor 1825 1998 Claude B. Slaton
Elijah Adams Succession 1816 1998 Claude B. Slaton
Elizabeth Adams Succession 1829 1998 Claude B. Slaton
William E. Adams Succession 1815 1998 Claude B. Slaton
James Albby Inventory & Sale 1838 1998 Claude B. Slaton
Julius Alford Summons 1838 1998 Claude B. Slaton
James & Delaney Allbritton Successions 1834 1998 Claude B. Slaton
Richard Allbritton Succession & Tutorship of Children 1829 1998 Claude B. Slaton
Elizabeth Allen Partition of Estate 1828 1998 Claude B. Slaton
Rebecca Allison Probate of Estate 1836 1998 Claude B. Slaton
Thomas M. B. Ambrose Succession & Tutorship of Child 1846 1998 Claude B. Slaton
John Arbuthnot Minority/Tutorship 1858 Mar 1999 Donald W. Johnson
William Bell Probate 1826 May 2004 Annette Womack
James Brown Estate Record 1837 Sep 1998 Inita Segura
Ann Chapman Probate 1826 May 2004 Annette Womack
Sarah E. Fleuniken Succession 1826 May 2004 Annette Womack
Caleb Gagle Probate 1826 May 2004 Annette Womack
Colin C. McRae Succession 1839 Mar 1999 Sherry Sanford
Daniel McRae Succession 1839 Mar 1999 Sherry Sanford
Daniel McRae Succession (2) 1839 Mar 1999 Sherry Sanford
Farquhard McRae Succession 1834 Mar 1999 Sherry Sanford
R. McRae Succession 1872 Mar 1999 Sherry Sanford


We are looking for any historical documents, articles, photos, etc. Everyone is urged to donate transcriptions of East Feleciana Parish bible records, cemeteries, court records, old newspaper articles, biographies of residents, old letters, census data, obituaries, family histories, parish histories, military records, old photographs, etc.

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