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Louisiana Archives

East Feleciana Parish Church Records

This page was last updated on
Wednesday, 01-Mar-2023 04:26:51 EST

Church Records
File Name Date Submitter
Session Minutes: 1901 - 1931
Comite Presbyterian Church, Norwood LA
Nov 1997 Claude B. Slaton


We are looking for any historical documents, articles, photos, etc. Everyone is urged to donate transcriptions of East Feleciana Parish bible records, cemeteries, court records, old newspaper articles, biographies of residents, old letters, census data, obituaries, family histories, parish histories, military records, old photographs, etc.

The USGenWeb has provided an easy to use form for submitting a RECORD of any type to the Louisiana GenWeb Archives. It will be forwarded to me for the East Feleciana Archives. You can still submit a free form text document if you choose not to use the form provided. Click here to go to the FORMS page or send your formatted documents, according to the GUIDELINES below, to Bryant Walker if you would like to contribute to the East Feleciana Parish Archive Project.

Please click on the links below to view the instructions on how to format and submit your information:

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