Golden Family, Hico
Photo of Golden Family at their home near Hico, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana.
Undated. Based on apparent ages of children, photo probably was made circa 1910.
HOWEVER: There are some problems with this date. (1) The 1910 census lists six
children, this photo shows only five children. (2) If we assume the photo was
made in the winter of 1910-11 (see note below), then, the girl would be Pearl
who would be 7 years old in winter 1910-1911 -- this girl appears to be older
than 7. As of late 2012, we are still trying to nail down the date of this photo;
until then, we'll go with the winter 1910-1911 date.
Left to right: John Wesley Golden (father); Ernest Edgar (son; leaning on
fathers knee); Bennie Pearl (dark-haired girl); Clarence H. (tall boy
with necktie); Carl W. (short boy with necktie); Howard Lee (small boy standing
next to mother); Mary Bennie Johnson Golden (mother).
Here are some interesting items in this photo.
The family is dressed in their best clothes. They may have arranged with
a traveling photographer to make the family portrait.
The photo probably was made in the winter -- note that some of the trees have
lost their leaves, and, there's a BIG stack of firewood on the left side of
the photo running from the house to the edge of the photo. The trees that still
have foilage could be cedar trees (common, evergreen), or, oak trees that do
not drop their leaves until spring.
Submitted by
(C) November 2012