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The UsGenWeb Project Louisiana Archives ARRAIGNED IN DISTRICT COURT-1926 This page was last updated on Friday, 22-Sep-2023 15:07:48 EDT
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Daigle Signs Report Showing 40 True, 59 Not True Bills. The Jurors met three days. Public Dance Halls roasted and foolish charges given rap. The jurors rendered their report to Judge W.W. Bailey in district court at 2 o’clock this afternoon and were discharged after their three day task. Edward Daigle of Church Point was foreman. Other jurors being: •L.C. Landry of Crowley •E.J. Gourdain of Rayne •J.R. Trumps of Egan •Louis White, Sr. of Crowley •Etienne Thibodeaux of Branch •Leo R. Harmon of Church Point •Arthur J. LeBlanc of Midland •J.B. Stakes of Maxie •A.S. Bourgeous of Iota •John Leger of Morse •H.G. Vautrot of Church Point The jury was organized Tuesday morning and was in session Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, completing its task today at 10:30 a.m. Preparation of the report to Judge Bailey followed. In commenting upon the many affidavits presented, the report severely criticized “The revengeful spirit of some people seeking supposed redress...by resorting to criminal court.” Officers were urged to be more careful in investigating such matters before formal complaint is made. The report read: Having completed our investigation of all the matters brought to our attention by affidavits and otherwise, we the Grand Jurors, duly empanelled and sworn for the November term of criminal court for the Parish of Acadia, Louisiana beg leave to submit this our final report. “Although we have investigated an unusually large number of cases we are glad to report that very few were of serious nature and have returned true bills only in those we felt the evidence justified. “We also wish to recommend that all operators of dance halls and operators of public amusement as well as the officers charged with keeping the peace at such places, be notified by those in authority that they will be looked to for the proper and peaceful operation of such places and that upon their failure to do so, we recommend that their licenses of same be revoked as we have found from our investigation that some of these places are breeding places for crime and debauchery. “We have made a thorough examination of the new jail and wish to take this means of complimenting the Police Jury for its progressiveness in having erected such a good, substantial and modern jail. We refrain from commenting on the old structure since it has been replaced by the new one. We have found the prisoners well cared for and humanely treated. “We also noted that a great many needed improvements are being made to the court house which we considered necessary to proper handling of the large volume of business and the safe and proper keeping of the public records. “Having completed our labors we now wish to thank your honor and the other officers of the court for the kind and considerate treatment accorded to us throughout our investigation. “We now respectfully ask to be discharged having returned Forty “True Bills” and Fifty-nine “No True Bills.” |
Pleas Heard by Judge Bailey and Deposition Made of Numerous Cases Following submission of the report of the grand jury to Judge Bailey in district court Friday afternoon the following were arraigned and disposition made of cases as noted: (Plea: G=Guilty NG= Not Guilty) |
Name | Charge | True Bill | Plea | Bond | Date |
Ozeme Thahan* | Operating motor truck without license | Yes | |||
Clennis Breaux* | Operating motor truck without license | Yes | |||
Etienne Lejeune* | Slander | Yes | |||
Alcie Joubair* | Selling intoxicating liquor | Yes | |||
Edgar Trahan* | Transporting intoxicating liquor | Yes | |||
Alohie Melancon* | Ill-treating domesticated animal | Yes | |||
Vilas Green* | Non-support | Yes | |||
Gustave Simon* | Non-support | Yes | |||
Joseph Bergeron* | Transporting intoxicating liquor | Yes | G | 650. | Appear for sentence Nov 12 |
Rozelas Olivier* | Transporting intoxicating liquor | Yes | G | ||
Simeon Pleasants | Possessing intoxicating liquor | Yes | G | 650. | Appear for sentence Nov 12 |
Mrs. Ed. Dietz* | Manufacturing intoxicating liquor | Yes | |||
Olide Bertrand* | Manufacturing intoxicating liquor | Yes | |||
Jos. Bonvelian* | Possessing intoxicating liquor | Yes | |||
John Brisco* | Selling intoxicating liquor | Yes | |||
Drozin Breaux* | Transporting intoxicating liquor | Yes | NG | 650. | Case fixed for Nov 8 |
Felix Kidder* | Transporting intoxicating liquor | Yes | G | 650. | Appear for sentence Nov 12 |
Deus Monceaux et als* | Disturbing peace at dance hall | Yes | NG | 75. | Case fixed for Nov 9 |
Teetee Monceaux* | Assault and Battery | Yes | |||
Etienne Leger* | Ill-treating domesticated animal | Yes | |||
Galbert Prejean* | Non-support | Yes | NG | 150. | Case fixed for Nov 9 |
Moise Daigle* | Non-support | Yes | G | 150 | Appear for sentence Nov 12 |
Evins Lejeune* | Non-support | Yes | |||
Eldes Thibodeaux [i] | Disturbing the peace | Yes | NG | 75. | Appear for sentence Nov 12 |
John Nolan* [i] | Disturbing the peace | Yes | NG | 75. | Appear for sentence Nov 12 |
Aurelis Andrepont* | Assault and Battery | Yes | |||
Louis Wolrich (Spelled Wildridge in arraignment)* | Assault and Battery | Yes | G | 75. | Appear for sentence Nov.12 |
Sambo Clark* | Concealed weapon | Yes | |||
Arthur Cary* | Larceny | Yes | |||
Hiram Wolrich | Disturbing peacable assembly | Yes | G | 75. | Appear for Sentence Nov 12 |
Ernest Wilturner* | Disturbing peacable assembly | Yes | G | 75. | Appear for sentence Nov 12 |
Bubber Igna* | Disturbing peacable assembly | Yes | G | 75. | Appear for sentence Nov 12 |
Leo Nolan* | Carrying concealed weapon | Yes | NG | 250. | Case fixed for Nov 9 |
Man Cade* | Larceny | Yes | NG | 350. | Case fixed for Nov 18 |
Johnnie McGuire* | Breaking and entering store in night time | Yes | G | ||
Deus Monceaux* | Cutting with intent to kill | Yes | NG | 700. | Case fixed for Nov 16. |
Leo Noland* | Shooting with intent to murder | Yes | NG | 1200. | Case fixed for Nov 9 |
Ralph Janes | Forgery | Yes | |||
Arthur Cary | Entering dwelling in daytime without breaking | Yes | |||
Felix Richard | Carnal knowledge | Yes | |||
Demas Monceaux | Disturbing the peace at dance hall | Yes | NG | 75. | Case fixed for Nov 9 |
Deusa Monceaux | Disturbing the peace at dance hall | Yes | NG | 75. | Case fixed for Nov 9 |
Deusa Monceaux | Assault and battery | Yes | NG | 75. | Case fixed for Nov 9 |
Alcide Ardoin Jr. | Assault and Battery | No | |||
Hypolite Babin | Entering in nighttime without breaking | No | |||
Mrs. Ozemie Alleman | Obstructing public road | No | |||
Ozemie Alleman | Obstructing public road | No | |||
Mrs. Jos. Reo Mire | Tearing down fence of another | No | |||
Michel Sonnier | Larceny | No | |||
Adam Richard | Larceny | No | |||
Ducrela Quebodeaux | Larceny | No | |||
T.F. Ryan | Embezzlement & Forgery | No | |||
Noasie Huval | Possessing intoxicating liquor | No | |||
Daig Melancon | Carnal knowledge | No | |||
Peter Douglas | Disturbing the peace | No | |||
Antoine Philip | Carnal knowledge | No | |||
Ovide Wolrich | Disturbing the peace | No | |||
Sosthene Reed | Assault and battery | No | |||
Louis Wolrich | Assault and battery | No | |||
Louis Lavergne | Obstructing natural drain | No | |||
Leah Broussard | Kidnapping | No | |||
Dermas Daigle | Larceny | No | |||
Alcide LeBlanc | Stabbing with intent to kill | No | |||
Alcide LeBlanc et als | Assault and battery | No | |||
Doreston Fruge | Breaking and entering in day time | No | |||
L.W. Hornsby | Breaking and entering in day time | No | |||
Austin Perrodin | Forgery | No | |||
Rodolph Fritch | Concealed weapon & Assault with a dangerous weapon | No | |||
George Cormier | Concealed weapon | No | |||
A. Pothier | Slander | No | |||
Joe Viator | Assault and battery | No | |||
Alfen Hoffman | Larceny | No | |||
Louis A. Richard | Larceny | No | |||
David Colligan | Slander | No | |||
Peoria Jefferson | Carnal knowledge | No | |||
Monceau Melancon | Assault and battery and Non-support | No | |||
Louis Myers Jr. | Non-support | No | |||
Albert Myers | Selling intoxicating liquor | No | |||
Jos. Cormier | Flooding public road | No | |||
Simeon Mire | Assault | No | |||
Will Robinson | Non-support | No | |||
Luke Richard | Assault | No | |||
Oralie Soileau | Obtaining money under false pretense | No | |||
Jeanius Perrodin | Striking with intent to kill | No | |||
Jeff Brown | Slander | No | |||
Walter LeBlanc | Assault with dangerous weapon | No | |||
Polite Campbell | Breaking fence of another | No | |||
Sam Henner | Concealed weapon | No | |||
Thurston Harmon | Larceny of horse | No | |||
John Murphy | Larceny | No | |||
Louisa Smith | Assault and battery | No | |||
Laurent Lavergne | Beating board bill | No | |||
Maxine Cormier | Possessing intoxicating liquor | No | |||
Mrs. Eulis Doucet | Slander | No | |||
Elcie Cyprien | Non-support | No | |||
Felix Kidder | Non-support | No | |||
Eldes Thibodeaux | Carrying concealed weapon | No | |||
Louis Wolrich | Carrying concealed weapon | No | |||
Albert Richard | Disturbing the peace | No | |||
Rene Hargrove | Disturbing the peace | No | |||
Frank Richard | Manslaughter | Yes | 2000. | Case fixed for Nov 15 | |
Daniel Jauboir | Transporting intoxicating liquor | Yes | NG | 650. | Trial set for Nov 8 |
Ralph Jones alias Robert Scott | Forgery | Yes | NG | 700. | Case fixed for Nov 8 |
Oliver Matt | Assault and Battery | Yes | G | 100. | Appear for sentence Nov 12 |
Demar Monceaux | Cutting with intent to kill | Yes | NG | 700. | Case fixed for Nov 15 |
Abner Johnson | Forgery | Yes | NG | 500. | Case fixed for Nov 18 |
[i] He pleaded “Not Guilty” and has to appear for sentencing? |
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