Adrien LeBlanc and Marie Aurelia Thibodeaux
submitted by Leslie Braddock
Photo of Leslie Braddock's Great Grandfather and grandmother taken in the fields of Mermentau Cove, Louisiana
in the late 1800's. Grandpa Adrien was a rice farmer and is an example of the typical
settler of this area.
Adrien LeBlanc and Marie Aurelia Thibodeaux are the two people in the photo.
Adrien b 11-16-1853 at Grand Coteau moved to Acadia Parish around 1870.
He Married Marie Aurelia Thibodeaux, daughter of Marcellin Thibodeaux and Clementine Benoit on
4th of November 1872 at Rayne, Louisiana. They had ten known children and are buried at
Istre Cemetery, Mermentau Cove, Louisiana.
