Killed In Action
Pfc. Charles Fisher, United States Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
Fisher, of the Ash Grove pike, Jessamine county, was killed Sept. 24
during the fighting in Italy, the War Department has notified his
kinsman. [picture included]
Death Claims Major Benton
Maj. Murray Benton, 37, son of Mrs. Frances Keller Benton of 158
Woodland avenue, and the late William Terry Benton, was killed in North
African theater of operations on Aug 16, according to word received from
the War Department yesterday by his mother.
Details of the manner in which Major Benton met his death were not
revealed in the War Department communication which stated that he had
been killed in a motor vehicle accident.
Major Benton, a graduate of Lexington high school and who attended
the University of Kentucky, participated in the invasion of Sicily.
Long interested in military life, he was a former member of the local
cavalry unit and the National Guard. He also was a member of the
Episcopal church and the Lexington bar.
Besides his mother, Major Benton is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Pauline Bowman Benton of Louisville, daughter of the late A. H. Bowman
for whom Bowman Field there was named, and two children, Betty Benton, 4,
and Terry Benton, 7. His wife is with her mother in Louisville.
Major Benton's paternal grandfather, Mortimer Murray Benton, a
priest in the Episcopal church, served as archdeacon of the Diocese of
Kentucky. He also was an officer in the Confederate navy. His maternal
grandfather, John Esten Keller, was a member of the staff of Gen. John
Hunt Morgan. [picture included]
Mark Jacobs, Flier, Killed
Second Lieut. Mark E. Jacobs, 23, a master bombardier at the Army
Air Base at Clovis, N. M., was killed Monday at Ballinger, Texas, during
a routine flight, according to a telegram received by his mother, Mrs.
Verna Sink Jacobs, 111 Conn terrace.
Lieutenant Jacobs, a native of Lexington and a graduate of Henry
Clay high school, was a junior at the University of Kentucky when he
enlisted in the Air Corps on May 9, 1942. He won his bombardier's
wings at Williams Field, Chandler, Ariz., on Nov. 21, 1942.
He was a member of the Phi Kappa Tau school fraternity at the
University and of Felix Memorial Baptist Church.
Efforts were being made today to notify Lieutenant Jacob's sister
and brother-in-law, Sergt. and Mrs. G. P. Willis, formerly of Lexington,
who are at the Army post at Pampa, Texas. Lieutenant Jacobs is survived
by his mother, his sister and his father, Mark C. Jacobs, formerly of
Lexington. The body will be brought to Lexington and will be taken to
Kerr Brothers funeral home. [picture included]
Billy S. Kelley Killed in Crash
S/Sgt. Billy S. Kelley, 20 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Kelley of the Walnut Hill pike, was killed in an aeroplane accident at
Sukkertoppen, Greenland, last Nov. 28, it was learned here yesterday.
Sergeant Kelley was reported as "missing after a flight in the European
area" by the War Department on Dec 1. That message was the last word
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley had of their son until last week, when a War
Department telegram informed them of their son's death.
A letter from the department, which Mrs. Kelley received yesterday,
state that her son was killed while a passenger on a plane that crashed
into an ice cap in western Greenland.
Young Kelley, who was sent overseas last July, was doing clerical
work at an Army post in Greenland, and had recently passed examinations
which qualified him for flight training. In his last letter to his
parents, he wrote that he expected to be sent back to the United States
for flying instructions.
A graduate of Athens high school and the Fugazzi School of Business,
he was an employee at the Lexington Signal Depot before entering the
Army Feb. 2, 1943.
Besides his parents, Sergeant Kelley is survived by a brother,
Robert Adair Kelley; his paternal grandmother, Mrs. J. S. Kelley, Fayette
county; his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Minnie T. Scott, Walnut Hill pike
and several aunts and uncles. [picture included]
Six Persons Killed When Auto Hits Tree Near Lawrenceburg
Lawrenceburg, Ky., June 6 (Special)--Six persons were killed and
two were critically injured about 1 o'clock this morning when an
automobile in which they were riding ran off the Harrodsburg-Lawrenceburg
highway and struck a tree about a mile and a half south of this Anderson
county town.
The car struck an 18-inch locust tree in the yard of Robert Hanks'
home, uprooting the tree and snapping it off 18 feet above the ground.
The automobile, a 1939 model sedan, was literally wrapped around the
tree trunk and the victims of the crash were imprisoned in the wreckage
until a wrecker ripped open the body of the machine. Five of the
occupants were dead when they were removed from the car and a sixth
died a few minutes later, Coroner James B. Hughes reported. Coroner
Hughes reported the following death list:
Charles Elliott Morrison, 19, Frankfort, driver of the car.
Mrs. Rosetta Trimble Sawyer Parton, 58, Somerset.
Charles David Sawyer Jr., 35, Frankfort, Mrs. Parton's son.
Mrs. Josephine Thurman, 25, wife of a Frankfort distillery
worker, Leon Thurman. (Mrs. Thurman died a few minutes after
she was removed from the wreckage.)
Mrs. Ruby Lee Gaither, about 24, Frankfort.
Roy Everett Gaither, 5, Mrs. Gaither's nephew.
Listed as injured and in a critical condition at the King's Daughters'
hospital in Frankfort were the following:
Miss Pauline Bryant, 25, of Frankfort, broken arm, fractured
leg and possible internal injuries.
Mrs. Vera Lee Wells, about 24, of Arkansas, probable skull
fracture and other injuries.
According to Corner Hughes, Mrs. Parton and Mrs. Wells were visiting
in Frankfort with other members of the party. Coroner Hughes said he
learned that the party had been to a roadhouse located near the
Mercer-Anderson county line and operated by Charles David Sawyer Sr.,
father of one of the crash victims. The car was enroute to Frankfort when
the driver lost control on a steep hill and it crashed into the tree in
the yard beside the highway, the Coroner said, adding that the machine
apparently was traveling at a high rate of speed.
The bodies of all six victims of the crash were removed to the
S. V. Gordon funeral home at Lawrenceburg.
John Page
Mrs. Tom (Annie) Wiley was called to Frankfort on account of the death
of her father, Mr. John Page.
Frankfort Cemetery, Frankfort Kentucky
John Page, 01 Mar 1865-30 May 1943
Martha Clark Page, 25 Sep 1869-20 Nov 1921
Lida Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wiley, Bobby Wiley and Jerry Brown attended the
funeral services of Mr. Wiley's sister, Mrs. Lida Mahoney, in Henry
County last Sunday.
Find Bodies In Creek
Frankfort, Ky., Aug. 11--Policeman Guy Wainscott reported the
drowned bodies of Hardin Flynn, 11, and Cecil Housechild, 9, had been
found today in Benson Creek near here. Absence of the youths from
their homes since early Wednesday had caused officers to take up the
search for them during the night.
Frankfort Cemetery, Frankfort Ky
Hardin K. Flynn, 09 Feb 1927-10 Aug 1938
Cecil L. Housechild, 19 Feb 1929-10 Aug 1938
Powell Funeral Rites To Be Held Wednesday
Versailles, Ky., July 8 (Special)--Funeral services will be held at
the Glen Creek Baptist church at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon for Mrs.
Nannie Powell, 60, of Versailles, who died at 10 o'clock today at the
Woodford Memorial hospital. Burial will be in the Versailles cemetery.
Mrs. Powell's survivors include a daughter, Mrs. J. S. Woodford, of
Lexington, and two brothers, J. M. Burgin, of Versailles, and W. J.
Burgin of Winchester. Four grandchildren also survive.
Versailles Cemetery, Versailles, Ky
Mrs. Powell died July 8, 1941
Mrs. Mattie Howard
Versailles, Ky., Oct. 25 (Special)--Funeral services for Mrs.
Mattie Boardman Howard, 76, will be held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon
at the Versailles Christian church, conducted by the Rev. Jack M.
Ervin, pastor. Burial will follow in the Versailles cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Charlton H. Graves, Albert Rose, Senator A. B.
Chandler, D. G. Owen, Ben Hackney, Hardin Field, Miles Whittington
and Frank Tanner.
Mrs. Howard is survived by three sons, State Purchasing Agent
Marion C. Howard, Hugh F. Howard, Versailles merchant, and Fred Howard,
Versailles postal worker.
Versailles Cemetery, Versailles, Ky
Mrs. Howard died October 14, 1941