Mrs. Perkins Dies
Mrs. Barbara Ann Stokley Perkins, 73, widow of John Perkins, died
at her home on the McCracken pike early today. Her husband died three
weeks ago. Mrs. Perkins, a native of Madison county, was a daughter of
George and Minerva Chism Stokley. She is survived by two sons, M. M.
Perkins of Norwood, Ohio, and Allen Perkins of Versailles; and one
daughter, Mrs. Frank West of Versailles, one brother, M. A. Stokley of
Woodford county; two sisters, Mrs. Lee Biggerstaff of Madison county
and Mrs. William Cole of Versailles, and nine grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon at
the residence with Dr. John G. Dickson, pastor of the Versailles
Baptist church, officiating. Burial will be in the Versailles cemetery.
End Comes to J. B. Adams
Versailles, Ky., Aug 12--Joseph Beecher Adams, 74, retired
pharmacist and widely known Mason, died shortly after midnight tonight
at his home, 218 Lexington street, after a two-year illness.
He was organizer and master for three years of the Masonic lodge
at Wilmore and was past commander of Versailles Commandry No. 3,
Knights Templar. He also had been high priest of Webb chapter No. 6,
Royal Arch Masons, and organizer of Eastern Star lodges at Wilmore
and Versailles.
In 1938 he was a member of the by-laws committee of the Grand
Lodge of Kentucky and was a former member of the Masonic lodge in
Danville, Richmond and Newport. He was an uncle of J. Frank Adams,
state editor of the Lexington Herald. Mr. Adams was born in Bolivar,
Tenn., a son of Logan Beecher and Martha Bright Adams, and was a member
of the Versailles Presbyterian church.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Bertha Wright Adams; a son,
Felix T. Adams, Winston-Salem, N.C.; a daughter, Mrs. C. R. Whitaker,
Lebanon, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Rodman Keenon, Lexington, and a
brother, J. Sid Adams, Cleveland Ohio, and three grandchildren.
James Henry Woolum
Versailles, Ky., Jan. 13--Funeral services will be held at
2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the Duell funeral chapel her for James
Henry Woolum, 61, who died Sunday at Cincinnati. The Rev. M. P.
Delaney will officiate and burial will be in the Versailles cemetery.
Mr. Wollums is survived by his father, W. W. Woolum; a son, J. E.
Woolum, Owen county, a daughter, Mrs. Icy Tate, Frankfort; four sisters
and four brothers.
Russell Wachter
Russell Wachter, five weeks-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wachter,
506 West Fourth street, died at the residence at 11:40 o'clock Saturday
morning after a brief illness. Besides his parents, he is survived by
three sisters and one brother, Frances, Mary Ann, Isabelle and James W.
Wachter. The was was removed to Kerr Brothers' funeral home where
services will be held Monday morning at an hour to be announced.
Ill Girl Dies on Train Waiting for Ambulance
While the engineer held up his schedule, waiting for an ambulance
to arrive, Miss Kathryne Prague, 23, of High Point, N. C., died on board
a Southern train at the Lexington station at 5:20 o'clock this morning.
Ill when she began a contemplated trip from High Point to Manteno, Ill.,
Miss Prague grew worse en route, and at Danville her nurse, Miss Hazel
Johnson, also of High Point, summoned a doctor. The doctor recommended
that the patient be brought to a Lexington hospital.
Miss Prague's survivors include her father, Noble T. Prague of
High Point. The body will be sent to Bloomington, Ind., tonight for
funeral services and burial.
100 Men Continue Search For Youth
Albequerque, N. M., June 27--Hampered by rains which poured down
Sandia Peak last night, more than 100 men nevertheless moved on both
sides of the heights today in resumption of a dogged search for Medill
McCormick, 21, wealthy young mountain climber, who has been missing
since last Wednesday.
The body of Richard Whitmer, McCormick's companion on an ill-fated
climbing expedition, was found Friday on rocks under the 2,000 foot
sheer face of the peak's topmost cliff, "The Shield."
Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms, Medill's mother, was again with
the searching forces today. She has been at the scene since Thursday.