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Archives Project Bath County, KY 1858 Birth Returns |
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A |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-01.jpg |
Adams, Abel 5-20-1858 son of James
Adams and Jane Burch |
01-06-2005 |
Warner![]() |
1858-02.jpg | Adams, Susan 9-24-1858 daughter of
Samuel and Jane Adams |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-03.jpg | Adams, Thomas B. 10-24-1858 son of
Joseph Adams and Caroline Barber |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-04.jpg | Aikin, Sarah B. 4-27-1858 daughter
of William and Elizabeth Aikin |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-05.jpg | Allen, Francise 6-25-1858 son of
William C. Allen and Issebella Barnes |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-06.jpg | Anderson, B. F. 4-24-1858 son of
James F. Anderson and Eliza Eden |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-07.jpg | Arrowsmith, Sarah B. 11-22-1858
daughter of Wm. Arrowsmith and Francis Butler |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-08.jpg | Arrowsmith, Virginia 10-1-1858 owner
Arrowsmith |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-09.jpg | Atchison, William son of Sanford
Atchison and LLewellen Crain |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
B |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-10.jpg | Baby Boy 4-6-1858 son of Wilkens
Warren and Sarah Atchison |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-11.jpg | Baby Boy 9-1-1858 owner R. W. Hunt |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-12.jpg | Baby Boy 9-3-1858 owner Daniel
Goodpaster |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-13.jpg | Baby Boy 10-1-1858 owner George
Hamilton |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-14.jpg | Baby Girl 4-1-1858 owner John Ficklin |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-15.jpg | Baby Girl 4-18-1858 owner Joseph
McCormick |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-16.jpg | Baby Girl 8-29-1858 owner James Jones |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-17.jpg | Baby Girl 11-1-1858 owner C. J. Boyd |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-18.jpg | Baby Girls Twins, 12-19-1858 owner
Flinn Wright |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-19.jpg | Barber, David T. 10-19-1858 son of
Landers Barber and Martha Ann Honaker |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-20.jpg |
Barnes, Lucy 8-30-1858 daughter of
Enoch Barnes and Marie Steele |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-21.jpg | Barnes, Mary C. 4-8-1858 daughter of
John E. Barnes and Martha Jane Self |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-22.jpg | Baty, Boon 7-25-1858 son of Asa Baty
and Nancy Heiley |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-23.jpg | Bedell, John 1-1858 son of David
Bedell and Elizabeth Summers |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-24.jpg | Bell 1-18-1858 owner James Hughes |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-25.jpg | Bell 6-5-1858 owner William Smothers |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-26.jpg | Blunt, W. C. 3-12-1858 son of John
Blunt and S. E. Colliver |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-27.jpg | Bolling, Charles 4-4-1858 son of
Henry Bolling and Elinder Blankenship |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-28.jpg | Boyd, Jacob 8-23-1858 son of Richard
Boyd and Narcissus Myers |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-29.jpg | Boyd, Mary Elizabeth 3-26-1858
daughter of Elijah Boyd and Margaret Thompson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-30.jpg |
Boyd, Mary Hannah 9-1-1858 daughter
of William and Elizabeth Boyd |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-31.jpg | Boyd, Thomas P. 4-28-1858 son of
William P. Boyd and Mary Long |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-32.jpg | Bradley, Mary A. 3-8-1858 daughter
of James Bradley and Sarah Summers |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-33.jpg | Bradshaw, Elizabeth M. 5-13-1858
daughter of Theophilus Bradshaw and Malissa F. Bradley |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-34.jpg | Bradshaw, S. C. daughter of Thomas
Bradshaw and Minirva Hawkins |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-35.jpg | Bristow, Rosetta 9-21-1858 daughter
of Andrew Bristow and Elizabeth Wright |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-36.jpg | Bromagin, Allen 1-11-1858 son of
Allen Bromagin and Angaline Johnson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-37.jpg | Brother, Richard 6-3-1858 son of E.
V. Brother and Malinda Barnes |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-38.jpg | Browning, Baby Boy 2-16-1858 son of
C. P. Browning and C. Trumbo |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-39.jpg | Burns, Sidney 2-1-1858 son of Joseph
Burns and E. E. Burgess |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-40.jpg |
Butler, Margaret 3-30-1858 daughter
of Robert Butler and Rose Ann Fitchpatrick |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
C |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-41.jpg | Caroline 10-1-1858 owner Samuel Hodge |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-42.jpg | Carrington, John W. 6-4-1858 son of
James Carrington and Mary Wiggington |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-43.jpg | Carroll, Mary 4-20-1858 daughter of
Patrick Carroll and Mary Howard |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-44.jpg | Carter, William 3-7-1858 son of
Elijah Carter and Margaret Williams |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-45.jpg | Caywood, William A. 10-27-1858 son
of James Caywood and Lucretia Hardin |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-46.jpg | Charles 2-1-1858 William J. Shrout
Owner |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-47.jpg | Clark, Ann 2-7-1858 daughter of
Frank Clark and Catherine Griffen |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-48.jpg | Conner, Clarinis 12-13-1858 son of
William P. Conner and Ann Nelson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-49.jpg | Conyers, Not Named 12-1-1858 son of
Thomas Conyers and Ellen Horseman |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-50.jpg |
Craig, Josephine 4-19-1858 daughter
of John Craig and Milly Horseman |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-51.jpg | Craig, William H. son of John Craig
and Elizabeth Crouch |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-52.jpg | Crouch, Permilia 6-1-1858 daughter
of Thomas Crouch and Melvina Rice |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-53.jpg | Crouch, Roberta 9-22-1858 daughter
of N. C. Crouch and Nancy Arrowsmith |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-54.jpg | Crump, Caroline 3-18-1858 daughter
of G. W. Crump and B. M. Roden |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-55.jpg | Curtright, Eliza Bell 8-10-1858
daughter of Joseph Curtright and Mary Gorrell |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
D |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-56.jpg | Dailey, Stillborn 12-10-1858 child
of Modes Dailey and Josephine Williams |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-57.jpg | Dale, James B. 12-4-1858 son of
David Dale and Martha Payne |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-58.jpg | Daniel 9-10-1858 owner James Ewing |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-59.jpg | Daugherty, Alice 10-21-1858 daughter
of William Daugherty and E. Bartlett |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-60.jpg |
Daugherty, Baby Girl daughter of
Samuel Daugherty and Elizabeth Gorrell |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-61.jpg | David 10-23-1858 owner James
Smothers |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-62.jpg | Dawson, Emily F. 4-13-1858 daughter
of Jefferson Dawson and Eliza Rice |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-63.jpg | Dennis 5-10-1858 owner Philidelphia
Ledford |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-64.jpg | Dennis, Narcissa 7-1-1858 daughter
of Samuel Dennis and Kistin Ingram |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-65.jpg | Dodson, Ida Virginia 10-1-1858
daughter of S. Dodson and Elizabeth Phillips |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-66.jpg | Doggett, Josephine 2-6-1858 daughter
of Pendleton and Elizabeth Doggett |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-67.jpg | Dolly 1-26-1858 owner M. J. Gossett |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-68.jpg | Donelson, Nancy B. 10-26-1858
daughter of Fletcher Donelson and Eda Hawkins |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-69.jpg | Downs, Andrew J. 1-21-1858 son of
William Downs and Julia Norris |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-70.jpg |
Durosett, David 10-21-1858 son of
Presley Durosett and Julia Wright |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-71.jpg | Duty, Mariah 11-1-1858 owner Charles
Duty |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-72.jpg | Duty, Martha 5-1-1858 daughter of
Sally and Eliza Duty |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
E |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-73.jpg | Ensor, Thomas 5-16-1858 son of
George Ensor and Mary Lowery |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
F |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-74.jpg | Fannie 2-27-1858 owner John W.
Tomlinson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-75.jpg | Fannie 10-7-1858 owner William Lane |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-76.jpg | Faris, Caroline 9-1-1858 owner J. A.
Faris |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-77.jpg | Ficklin, John 7-28-1858 son of John
Ficklin and Sarah Ann Graham |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-78.jpg | Field, Cyrus 8-15-1858 ownder Thomas
B. Jordan |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-79.jpg | Fields, Amanda 5-10-1858 owner
Thomas Fields |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-80.jpg |
Fisher, Elizabeth 3-19-1858 daughter
of John E. Fisher and Nancy Cassity |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-81.jpg | Fleming, Thomas J. 4-15-1858 son of
Eli Fleming and Maranda Tackett |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-82.jpg | Foster, Julia 12-23-1858 daughter of
William and Caroline Foster |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-83.jpg | Foster, Robert 10-1-1858 owner
William Foster |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-84.jpg | Foster, William Sudduth 12-21-1858
son of William Foster and Martha Ann Stone |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-85.jpg | Freeland, George 2-14-1858 son of
Nancy Freeland |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-86.jpg | Frisby, Sarah E. 2-9-1858 daughter
of Robert Frisby and Elizabeth Grayson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
G |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-87.jpg | George, Sally 8-28-1858 daughter of
Presley George and Susan Dale |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-88.jpg | Gibbs, Emily 3-12-1858 daughter of
James Gibbs and Delilah Lansaw |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-89.jpg | Gilvin, Minerva J. 9-20-1858
daughter of Harrison Gilvin and Lucinda Mitchell |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-90.jpg |
Gilvin, William 11-25-1858 son of H.
Gilvin and Jane Goodpaster |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-91.jpg | Gorrell, Not Named 2-16-1858 son of
Issac Gorrell and Nancy Eden |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-92.jpg | Grayson, Cynthia 5-30-1858 daughter
of R. G. Grayson and Mary Ann Gose |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-93.jpg | Griffen, Mary Jane 1-10-1858
daughter of John Griffen and Sarah Ann McKensey |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-94.jpg | Grunwade, Charles 8-18-1858 son of
Thomas Grunwade and Sarah Kring |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-95.jpg | Gudgell, James C. 3-7-1858 son of
John and Elizabeth |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-96.jpg | Gudgell, Joseph Simpson 5-10-1858
son of Joseph Gudgell and Louisa Graves |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-97.jpg | Gudgell, Louisa B. 7-4-1858 daughter
of Joseph Gudgell and Ann Busby |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-98.jpg | Guy, Alfred 9-14-1858 son of Martin
Guy and Lucy Roberts |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
H |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-99.jpg | Hanlet, Mary Ann 4-17-1858 daughter
of William Hanlet and Nancy Cowen |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-100.jpg |
Hardin, Margaret Francis 12-5-1858
daughter of James Hardin and Halida Vice |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-101.jpg | Harmon, Amanda 2-11-1858 daughter of
John Harmon and Artemissa Meyers |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-102.jpg | Harmon, Joseph 3-18-1858 son of
Joseph Harmon and Ann Taylor |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-103.jpg | Hart, Andrew 10-28-1858 son of
Michael Hart and Susan Furgason |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-104.jpg | Hart, Elizabeth 10-25-1858 daughter
of Jackson Hart and Milly Jane Stull |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-105.jpg | Hatton, Millard F. 5-7-1858 son of
Benjamin Hatton and Elizabeth Hasty |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-106.jpg | Hawkins, Sarah 3-14-1858 daughter of
Alphius Hawkins and Nancy Davis |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-107.jpg | Heart, William T. 10-29-1858 son of
Josiah T. Heart and Margaret Moore |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-108.jpg | Hedrick, John M. 12-20-1858 son of
J. M. Hedreick and Elizabeth Ann Vice |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-109.jpg | Hendrix, Dolly 1-15-1858 owner
Sanford Hendrix |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-110.jpg |
Hiriam 3-15-1858 owner Sarah Snedigar |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-111.jpg | Honaker, John 11-10-1858 son of
Wesley Honaker and Margaret Coyle |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-112.jpg | Hornback, J. 3-16-1858 son of
William Hornback and Elizabeth Lynam |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-113.jpg | Hornback, Kizzy Ann 6-30-1858
daughter of James Hornback and Jahody Willson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-114.jpg | Howard, Millard F. 3-14-1858 son of
Sud Howard and Mary Ferrand |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-115.jpg | Hughart, Mary E. 7-25-1858 owner
Mary Hughart |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-116.jpg | Hughes, Cythia 8-25-1858 daughter of
James Hughes and Lucinda Branon |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-117.jpg | Hunt, Benjamin F. 7-4-1858 son of R.
W. Hunt and Martha Snelling |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-118.jpg | Hunt, J. J. 3-30-1858 daughter of D.
Hunt and A. Tincher |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
I |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-119.jpg | Igo, Granberg 10-15-1858 son of
Absolem Igo and Parthenia Yarbrough |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-120.jpg |
Igo, Lafayette 10-28-1858 son of
Thomas Igo and Martha Montgomery |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-121.jpg | Igo, Sanford 4-13-1858 son of Levi
Igo and Mary J. Dennis |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-122.jpg | Igo, Sarah Ellen 11-12-1858 daughter
of Nathaniel Igo and Phebe Ingram |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-123.jpg | Ingram, Perry 10-15-1858 son of John
and Elizabeth Ingram |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
J |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-124.jpg | Jackson, Lewis 7-21-1858 son of
Thomas Jackson and Nancy Barber |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-125.jpg | Jackson, Margaret 3-23-1858 daughter
of Leander Jackson and Elizabeth Griffen |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-126.jpg | Jacob 8-23-1858 owner W. D. Wilson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-127.jpg | James 8-1858 owner Thomas Summers |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-128.jpg | James 11-15-1858 owner Jefferson
Dawson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-129.jpg | Jerry 10-1-1858 owner Robert Ewing |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-130.jpg |
John 1-24-1858 owner Spencer Boyd |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-131.jpg | John 2-5-1858 owner A. R. Wright |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-132.jpg | John 6-1-1858 owner Lewis M. Young |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-133.jpg | Jones, Jiney 3-28-1858 daughter of
Thomas Jones and Margaret Welch |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-134.jpg | Jones, Nannie 3-20-1858 daughter of
David and Margaret Jones |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-135.jpg | Jones, Not Named 11-1-1858 daughter
of Thomas Jones and Elizabeth Snelling |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-136.jpg | Jones, Robert 10-27-1858 son of
Daniel Jones and Margaret Corning |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-137.jpg | Jones, Virginia 3-26-1858 daughter
of Thomas Jones and Margaret Welch |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-138.jpg | Jones, Zacariah 3-28-1858 son of
Benjamin Jones and Nancy Benson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-139.jpg | Jordon, E. J. 1-24-1858 daughter of
Roe Jordon and Fannie Owings |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
K |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-140.jpg |
Kash, Samuel 5-8-1858 son of Shelby
Kash and Nancy McCormick |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-141.jpg | Kerns, J. 5-1858 son of J. Kerns and
L. C. Doggett |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-142.jpg | Kincaid, Mary L. 11-24-1858 daughter
of Lott Kincaid and Elizabeth Allen |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
L |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-143.jpg | Lane, John C. 12-30-1858 son of John
Lane and Sarah Mynheir |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-144.jpg | Lathram, Josiah 1-5-1858 son of
George Lathram and Phebe E. Hart |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-145.jpg | Lewis 6-26-1858 owner John Atkinson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-146.jpg | Lewis 7-14-1858 owner A. L. Wright |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-147.jpg | Lyons, Henry 8-30-1858 son of Robert
Lyons and Cynthia Sexton |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
M |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-148.jpg | Manley, Samuel 9-12-1858 son of
Isaac Manley and Barbara Donelson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-149.jpg | Mannon, Samuel T. 12-4-1858 son of
Ruben Mannon and Sarah Sheets |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-150.jpg |
Markland, Garrett H. 3-1-1858 son of
Jonathan Markland and Mary Craig |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-151.jpg | Mason, Mary and Caroline 10-1-1858
twin daughters of John C. Mason and Anne E. Owings |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-152.jpg | Maxey, Joseph 11-14-1858 son of
Riney and Rachel Maxey |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-153.jpg | McClain, John T. 11-22-1858 son of
James McClain and Nancy Shropshire |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-154.jpg | McClain, Phillip 8-21-1858 son of
James McClain and Nancy Karrick |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-155.jpg | McClain, Ruben C. 5-15-1858 son of
George McClain and Martha Spencer |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-156.jpg | Meyers, America 9-15-1858 daughter
of Jaminson Meyers and Margaret Patrick |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-157.jpg | Meyers, Helen 2-15-1858 daughter of
George Meyers and Maria Whaley |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-158.jpg | Meyers, Julia 9-4-1858 daughter of
Benjamin Meyers and Mary J. Conner |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-159.jpg | Mockabee, Henry 4-3-1858 son of
Presley Mockabee and Ruth Smith |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-160.jpg |
Moore, Leroy 3-26-1858 son of
Greenberry Moore and Jane Downs |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-161.jpg | Moores, Stephen 6-23-1858 son of
Jackson Moores and Cynthia Ann Doggett |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-162.jpg | Mynheir, John 10-24-1858 son of
Soloman Mynheir and Sarah Sexton |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
N |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-163.jpg | Ned 2-15-1858 owner John Gudgell |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-164.jpg | Nellis, Susan E. 8-9-1858 daughter
of James Nellis and Lavinia Hornback |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-165.jpg | Nixon, Ellen M. 6-28-1858 daughter
of B. D. Nixon and Sarah Honaker |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-166.jpg | Norris, Baby Girl 11-23-1858 daughte
of David Norris and Hannah McCarty |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
O |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-167.jpg | Otis, Jonathan 12-9-1858 son of John
Otis and Elizabeth Sorrell |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-168.jpg | Otis, Robert 7-5-1858 son of William
Otis and Nancy Wright |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
P |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-169.jpg | Pergram, James 1-6-1858 son of
Robert Pergram and Nancy Warner |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-170.jpg |
Phillip 5-1-1858 owner William
Jackson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-171.jpg | Power, Nancy 6-18-1858 daughter of
Sanders Power and Susan Warner |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-172.jpg | Prophet, Sally 8-24-1858 daughter of
Jerimiah Prophet and Nancy Wright |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-173.jpg | Purgram, Emily 9-1-1858 daughter of
Enoch Purgram and Margaret Montjoy |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-174.jpg | Purgram, James 8-20-1858 son of
James Purgram and Elizabeth Crouch |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-175.jpg | Purvis, Margaret 12-30-1858 daughter
of William Purvis and Martha Otis |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-176.jpg | Purvis, Millard F. 8-26-1858 son of
Asa Purvis and Mary Otis |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
R |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-177.jpg | Ragland, Lucy 12-10-1858 daughter of
William Ragland and Gillaian Cheatham |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-178.jpg | Ratliffe, Samuel 9-6-1858 son of
James Ratliffe and Louisa Jones |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-179.jpg | Reeves, A. F. 3-28-1858 daughter of
L. Reeves and Elizabeth Purvis |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-180.jpg |
Reynolds, Andrew 11-6-1858 owner
Joseph A. Reynolds |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-181.jpg | Reynolds, Loiscania 7-7-1858
daughter of Joseph Reynolds and Helen Moore |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-182.jpg | Rice, Mary E. 8-1858 owner John Rice |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-183.jpg | Rice, Thomas 4-6-1858 son of Marcus
Rice and Elizabeth Bristow |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-184.jpg | Rice, William L. 4-15-1858 son of
Cam Rice and Rachel Snedegar |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-185.jpg | Robbins, Eliza Jane 7-6-1858
daughter of William H. Robbins and Corilla Williams |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-186.jpg | Roberts, Mary 6-7-1858 daughter of
William Roberts and Jane Crockett |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-187.jpg | Robertson, Margaret 3-12-1858
daughter of J. F. and Rose Robertson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-188.jpg | Robertson, Nancy 12-15-1858 daughter
of James and Elizabeth Robertson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-189.jpg | Robinson, Jasper 9-9-1858 son of J.
F. Robinson and Catherine Hawkins |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-190.jpg |
Rogers, Andrew J. 8-20-1858 son of
John Rogers and Zerilda Covey |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-191.jpg | Rothwell, William 11-8-1858 son of
Thomas Rothwell and Druzilla Ruzzelers |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-192.jpg | Routt, Mary Elizabeth 5-1858
daughter of William Routt and Maranda Hendrix |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-193.jpg | Routt, William 3-18-1858 owner Allen
Routt |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
S |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-194.jpg | Sam 10-20-1858 owner Benjamin Meyers |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-195.jpg | Scott, Alexander W. 10-22-1858 son
of R. G. Scott and Sarah J. Richard |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-196.jpg | Sexton, Rosebella 10-4-1858 daughter
of Benjamin Sexton and Jane Barker |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-197.jpg | Sheperd, Elizabeth 5-9-1858 daughter
of david Sheperd and Rhodo Todd |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-198.jpg | Shrout, Martha 2-15-1858
daughter of Henry Shrout and Elada M. Clark |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-199.jpg | Shrout, Smith R. 12-20-1858 son of
G. W. Shrout and Ann Clark |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-200.jpg |
Shultz, Melvina 6-24-1858 daughter
of B. B. Shultz and Nancy Cooper |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-201.jpg | Smith 12-26-1858 owner Balis Tackett |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-202.jpg | Smith, Emanuel 11-1-1858 son of
Michael Smith and Ann M. Hamilton |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-203.jpg | Smith, Lafayette 9-3-1858 son of
Jesse Smith and Amey Collins |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-204.jpg | Sophia 3-10-1858 owner Balis Tackett |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-205.jpg | Sorrell, Alexander 5-1-1858 son of
Joshua Sorrell and Dania McClain |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-206.jpg | Sorrell, Amanda daughter of William
Sorrell and Catherine Robinson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-207.jpg | Staton, George W. 4-14-1858 son of
William Staton and Sally Frazier |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-208.jpg | Staton, Huston 4-15-1858 son of
Perry Staton and Martha Fielder |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-209.jpg | Steele, Nancy R. 5-15-1858 daughter
of John B. Steele and Mary Ann McIlvain |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-210.jpg |
Stephens, Martha 8-16-1858 daughter
of John Stephens and Martha Anderson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-211.jpg | Stevens, Dolly 8-16-1858 daughter of
John Stevens and Martha Anderson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-212.jpg | Stewart, Alminia 12-13-1858 daughter
of John Stewart and Alminia Rogers |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-213.jpg | Stone, John 9-1-1858 owner Milton
Stone |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-214.jpg | Stull, Ann daughter of Wallace Stull
and Mary J. Warner |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-215.jpg | Stull, William 10-1-1858 son of
Combs Stull and Charlotte Dennis |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-216.jpg | Sudduth, Sarah 9-1858 owner William
Sudduth |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-217.jpg | Suttle, Amanda 4-25-1858 daughter of
Jackson Suttle and Nancy Carpenter |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-218.jpg | Swim, Mary M. 12-16-1858 daughter of
James Swim and Loisa M. Grayson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
T |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-219.jpg | Thompson, Emily 12-15-1858 owner
George Thompson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-220.jpg |
Tincher, Harvey son of John S.
Tincher and Jane Warren |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-221.jpg | Tipton, Burning 8-25-1858 son of
Turrell Tipton and Ellinder George |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-222.jpg | Townsell, Fannie 12-31-1858 daughter
of William Townsell and Margaret Niraman |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-223.jpg | Trumbo, Sally Ann 4-16-1858 daughter
of David Trumbo and Catherine Byram |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-224.jpg | Turner, Benjamin son of John Turner
and Rachel Eden |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-225.jpg | Turrell, Emma 1-30-1858 daughter of
Elijah Turell and Martha Scott |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
U |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-226.jpg | Ulery, Minirva 1-24-1858 daughter of
Samuel Ulery and Catherine Barber |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
V |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-227.jpg | Vanpelt, James 5-10-1858 owner C. P.
Vanpelt |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-228.jpg | Vice, Francis Issabele 9-2-1858
daughter of William B. Vice and Margaret Woodard |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-229.jpg | Vice, Not Named 1-30-1858 daughter
of Jeff Vice and Caroline Snaler |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
W |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-230.jpg |
Warner, Eliza 7-27-1858 daughter of
Jacob C. Warner and Elizabeth Shultz |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-231.jpg | Warner, Susan C. 2-15-1858 daughter
of Allen Warner and Margaret Stancliff |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-232.jpg | Welch, Thomas 8-29-1858 son of
William Welch and Matilda Wells |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-233.jpg | Wells, Edward 9-21-1858 son of
Benjamin Wells and Mary Jane Wright |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-234.jpg | Whaley, Wedon 1-29-1858 owner James
Whaley |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-235.jpg | Will 4-15-1858 owner F. Wright |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-236.jpg | Williamson, Herman A. 2-6-1858 son
of James Williamson and Ardina Storms |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-237.jpg | Wilson, Mary A. 12-5-1858 daughter
of W. D. and Tabitha Wilson |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-238.jpg | Workman, Susan 3-16-1858 daughter of
William Workman and Mary Scott |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-239.jpg | Wright, Benjamin T. 5-27-1858 son of
A. L. Wright and Catherine Moore |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
Y |
File Name |
Description |
Date Submitted |
Submitted By |
1858-240.jpg |
Yarbrough, Sarah E. 4-19-1858
daughter of Randolph Yarbrough and Ann Griffen |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-241.jpg | Yocum, Sara Belle 3-9-1858 daughter
of Mahu Yocum and Barbara Lewis |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-242.jpg | Young, Elizabeth 12-29-1858 daughter
of James Young and Maranda Burbridge |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
1858-243.jpg | Young, Sarah 10-1858 owner J. A.
Young |
01-06-2005 | Darrell
Warner![]() |
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A special thanks to Darrell Warner, Alice Brosey, and others who invested countless hours compiling the data on this website so that you can use it today!