Reno County |
 Court House, Hutchinson |
 High School, Hutchinson |
 Carey Salt Mine, Hutchinson |
 Souvenir of Hutchinson, showing Salt City Business College |
 Air View, Hutchinson |
 Farmer's Commission Co. Elevator, Hutchinson |
 Hotel Stamey, Hutchinson |
 Main Street, Hutchinson |
 Public Library, Hutchinson |
 Residence of Olive Howe, Hutchinson [1912] |
 Harding Memorial, Hutchinson |
 U. S. Post Office, Hutchinson |
 Riverside Park, Hutchinson |
 Boathouse in Carey Park, Hutchinson |
 Sunken Garden, Carey Park, Hutchinson |
 Salt Packing Room, Morton Plant, Hutchinson |
 Athletic Field, State Reformatory, Hutchinson |
 State Reformatory, Hutchinson |
 The Soda Ash Plant, Hutchinson |
 Soda Ash Plant, Hutchinson |
 Scenes from the State Fair, Hutchinson |
 Souvenir Kansas State Fair, Sept. 17 - 22, Hutchinson |
 American Legion Bisonte Hotel, Hutchinson |
 Little Red School House Chicken Dinners, Hutchinson |