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Do you have records you would like to share with others? We are looking for volunteers to share the information and records they may have accumulated during their searches. You can contact Shalamar Joe for information on how to submit your data to be included in the USGenWeb Indiana Archives Project, or simply use one of the two links above to contribute your information right away! We are looking for any records that you are willing to contribute. Don't forget to make sure what the copyright laws are before submitting information. We need everyone's help with the archives. Your fellow genealogists appreciate your contributions! This is a free web site!

If a contributor to this website has helped you in any way, please send them an e-mail and let them know that you appreciate their efforts!



File Description Size Date Submitter
Bloomfield Township 143 kb Apr 1998 Beverly Telfer
Clay Township 68.50 kb Apr 1998 Beverly Telfer
Clear Spring Township 101 kb Apr 1998 Beverly Telfer
Eden Township 99 kb Apr 1998 Beverly Telfer
West & East Lima Township 169 kb Apr 1998 Beverly Telfer
East VanBuren Township 46.50 kb Apr 1998 Beverly Telfer
West Greenfield Township 129 kb Apr 1998 Beverly Telfer
Johnson Township 132 kb Apr 1998 Beverly Telfer
Milford Township 122 kb Apr 1998 Beverly Telfer
Newberry Township 73.75 kb Apr 1998 Beverly Telfer
Springfield Township 115 kb Apr 1998 Beverly Telfer
West VanBuren Township 65.75 kb Apr 1998 Beverly Telfer
Pages 1 thru 13 88 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 14 thru 27 90.6 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 28 thru 40 87.5 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 41 thru 53 88 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 54 thru 66 88 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 67 thru 80 90 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 81 thru 94 93 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 95 thru 108 93 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 109 thru 121 88 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 122 thru 135 91 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 136 thru 148 88 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 149 thru 161 87 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 162 thru 175 89.5 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 176 thru 189 87.9 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer
Pages 190 thru 194 33 kb Dec. 2003 Beverly Telfer

USGenWeb Archives Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or for other presentation.

Copyright © 2001-2010 USGenWeb Archives
Last Revised: Friday, 05-Apr-2024 21:24:25 EDT