Penny Postcards from Illinois

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Jackson County

Armory, Illinois National Guard, Carbondale

Ice Plant, Central Illinois Public Service Company, Carbondale

Midland Hills Country Club, between Anna and Carbondale [1929]

Presbyterian Church, Murphysboro

Walnut Street, Looking East, Murphysboro

Reliance Milling Co., Murphysboro
Southern Illinois University

Science Building, S. I. N. U., Carbondale

Altgeld Hall, S. I. U., Carbondale

Early Morning View of Campus Lake, S. I. U., Carbondale

Old Main Mall Area, S. I. U., Carbondale

Morris Statue, S. I. U., Carbondale

Paul and Virginia, S. I. U., Carbondale

Pulliam Hall, S. I. U., Carbondale

Unidentified Building, S. I. U., Carbondale

Contact Joy Fisher for more information
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