Aaramburu, Juan D.
Abbott, Grace M.
Abel, Murl R.
Adams, Gerald E.
Adams, Joy B. Rutledge
Adams, June B. (Brown)
Adamson, Ira Roger
Adams, Wayne P.
Adams, Willard
Adkins, Pauline (Rea)
Adkins, Willis H.
Ainslie, Lean James
Aldape, John
Alder, Lila T.
Allen, Barbara Ann
Allen, Charles L.
Allen, Clara I.
Allen, Donna L.
Allen, Grant Anderson
Allen, Harold Roe
Allen, James Burl
Allen, Jean 'Irene' Hansen
Allen, John Joseph Jr.
Allen, Luela B.H.
Allen, Marie Downend
Allen, Mary Esta Avanna Bohannon
Allen, Mary Ruth
Allen, Wallace Bruce
Alletag, Shara Darlene
Allmaras, Donald J.
Allphin, Kay R. Ryals
Allred, Francis L.
Alumbaugh, Tilford Hagan
Aman, Rev. Wayne C.
Amato, Albert
Anchustegui, Nina
Anders, Emmons
Anderson, Donald A.
Anderson, Dorothy Irene
Anderson, Dwayne Baker
Anderson, Evelyn Elizabeth
Anderson, Hazel Viola
Anderson, Helen
Anderson, Jesse Bruce
Anderson, Jessie C.
Anderson, John S.
Anderson, Mary D.
Anderson, Mary Fern
Anderson, Zelma
Andrew, Donald M.
Andrew, Ella B. (Bahr)
Anduiza, Johnny
Angleton, V. Keith
Anspaugh, Esther
Anthony, Evelyn Irene
Appel, Robert B.
Applegate, Lester A.
Applegate, William
Aramburu, Attriss Gertrude
Armacost, Bailey
Armacost, Erma E.
Armstrong, Blair C.
Armstrong, Miligros Yribar
Armstrong, Tekla Marie
Arola, Eino M
Arola, Neal Oscar
Arola, Sam Edward
Artechevarria, Joaqauin Arte
Artechevarria, John L.
Arte, Flora Acordagoitia
Arte, Maria Artechevaria
Arthur, Dale B.
Aschenbrenner, Jason Jacob
Asdell, David Newman
Asdell, Lena Elizabeth (Gardner)
Ashby, Rosie Ellen Simpson
Asselin, Alier
Atkinson, Craig
Austin, Gail Hume
Austin, Glen Burgess
Averett, Trina
Avery, Clyde L.
Ax, Harold Onnie
Ax, Thelma Mildred
Ax, William Henry
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