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USGenWeb Archives Project - Iowa

Van Buren County

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File Description File Size Date Submitter
Belden, Luther William 1918 1K Nov 2007 Joy Fisher The Registry
Clark, Robert June 25, 1863 1K Mar 2023 Donald Buncie The Registry
Dixon, Robert Leslie June 27, 1863 1K Mar 2023 Donald Buncie The Registry
Ferguson, Alexander P. September 4, 1862 1K Feb 2023 Donald Buncie The Registry
Harness, William September 4, 1957 2K Oct 2009 Carolyn Jarvey
Lummis, James March 5, 1860 1K Apr 2024 Donald Buncie The Registry
Weld, Oliver October 31, 1843 1K Dec 2009 Ken Wright

The State file manager is: Debra Crosby The Registry - (Temporary)

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Last update: Tuesday, 30-Apr-2024 13:03:09 EDT