A(nthony) R. Murray Died Oct. 1, 1862 Age 28 Years Son of J(ohn) S. & J(ulia) A(nne) Murray "Died in defense of his country" Anthony R. Murray actually died in Taylor Co. He was sent home with some disease to die. He was husband to Mary A.J. "Mollie" Morris.
Katie daughter of Elbert & N(ancy) C(atherine) Hill Aged 22 yrs. 10 mos. 13(?) days Died Oct. 30 1887 Died of thyphoid fever. Brother to John S. Hill also buried here.
John S. son of Elbert & N(ancy) C(atherine) Hill Aged 16 yrs. 8 mos. 20 days Died Oct. 30, 1887 This date of death shown on the stone is incorrect. John S. Hill, son of Elbert, died November 13, 1887. This is supported by his obit which was printed in the Butler Herald, Nov. 22, 1887. He and his sister Katie's markers were prepared in the fall of 1897 by an Americus firm. They put Katie's date of death on both markers. They did not die the same date.
Julia wife of W(illiam)B(enjamon) Wilson and daughter of Elbert & N(ancy) C(athrine) Hill Aged 2? yrs. 6 mos ? days Died Oct. 13, 1886 Sister to Kattie Hill & John S. Hill, also buried here.
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