(Obituaries in these files are not listed in the Table of Contents)
File Name | Obituaries - Surnames | Size | Journal Date |
7jan04.txt | Bray, Brewer, Graham, Massey, Minish, Parham, Phillips, Pulliam, Russum, Sanders, Sorrow, Strickland, Watkins, Williams | 17K | 7 Jan 2004 |
14jan04.txt | Boswell, Brown, Garrison, Guest, Hill, Huff, Hunter, James, Matthews, McCurley, O'Neal, Phillips, Segers, Shubert | 19K | 14 Jan 2004 |
21jan04.txt | Bennett, Fowler, Kutasi, Minish, Sorrells, Steele, Vollrath | 10K | 21 Jan 2004 |
28jan04.txt | Archer, Bramlett, Campbell, Dean, Dudley, Everett, Fortson, Fowler, Hall, Porterfield, White | 17K | 28 Jan 2004 |
4feb04.txt | Argo, Coggins, Cowart, Dickson, Evans, Hardwick, Harris, Ledford, Reagin-Cooper, Schneider, Smith | 13K | 4 Feb 2004 |
11feb04.txt | Akins, Dudley, Hattaway, Herbert, James, Jordan, McCurley, Plyler | 14K | 11 Feb 2004 |
18feb04.txt | Adams, Carey, Howard, Lance, Looney, Phillips, Pulliam, Smith, Starrett, Whitlow | 20K | 18 Feb 2004 |
25feb04.txt | Brown, Dixon, Fife, Fullington, Hart, Kennedy, McCollum, McGarity, Sconyers, Stone | 13K | 25 Feb 2004 |
3mar04.txt | Beavers, Bennett, Chandler, Defoor, Harris, Humphries, Kesler, McDonald, Paul, Royal, Turner | 13K | 3 Mar 2004 |
10mar04.txt | Brooks, Fowler, Hardy, Heaton, Jones, Maxwell, McEwin, Schroder | 10K | 10 Mar 2004 |
17mar04.txt | Anglin, Black, Brake, Hilley, Missler, Ramsey, Taylor, White | 10K | 17 Mar 2004 |
24mar04.txt | Arwood, Bales, Chandler, Fortson, Fowler, Hancock, Martin, Maxwell, Parham, Toole, Wilson | 24K | 24 Mar 2004 |
31mar04.txt | Bond, Gabriel, Griffeth, Isbell, Kenner, Mize, Vickery, Wilson | 13K | 31 Mar 2004 |
7apr04.txt | Alewine, Bettis, Beusse, Burks, Gingrich, Kidd, Moore, Norton, Powell, Pritchett, Rhodes, Sexton, Strickland, Tennent | 17K | 7 Apr 2004 |
14apr04.txt | Brown, Faulkner, Lord, Peck, Phillips, Ray, Strickland | 10K | 14 Apr 2004 |
21apr04.txt | Bond, Branning, Cheek, Corder, Duncan, Fortson, Graham, Hart, Phillips, Roberson, Worley | 15K | 21 Apr 2004 |
28apr04.txt | Carey, Hall, Hendrix, Johnson, Jones, Kress, Ledford, Smith, Swann, Troup, Worley | 14K | 28 Apr 2004 |
5may04.txt | Coile, Heaton, Lord, Moore, Seagraves, Swenson, Ward, Wilson | 9K | 5 May 2004 |
12may04.txt | Burdette, Crump, Fitzpatrick, Lord, McGarity, McGinnis, Owens, Scarborough, Segars, Seymour, Sorrow, Strickland | 16K | 12 May 2004 |
19may04.txt | Brown, Epps, Gary, Gearing, Hardison, Shepherd | 8K | 19 May 2004 |
26may04.txt | Adams, Alexander, Baird, Brady, Carter, Ferguson, Haynes, Smith, Waldroup, Wood | 11K | 26 May 2004 |
2jun04.txt | Brown, Burdette, Ginn, Kerr, Phillips, Tyner, Welborn | 9K | 2 Jun 2004 |
9jun04.txt | Barnes, Crocker, Embrick, Janes, Kirby, Richardson, Shook, Wood | 11K | 9 Jun 2004 |
16jun04.txt | Brown, Crowe, Gailey, Hill, Howington, Kinser, Martin, Morey, Royston, Waldroup | 12K | 16 Jun 2004 |
23jun04.txt | Elrod, Epps, Harris, McCannon | 5K | 23 Jun 2004 |
30jun04.txt | Bradshaw, Brown, Gaines, Gerbovay, Fann, Powers, Smith, Tiller, Wright | 11K | 30 Jun 2004 |
14jul2004.txt | Brown, Clark, Floyd, Freeman, Jackson, Lindsey, Parham, Phenney, Reynolds, Smith, Sweatman, Thomas | 11K | 30 Jun 2004 |
14jul2004.txt | Brown, Clark, Floyd, Freeman, Jackson, Lindsey, Parham, Phenney, Reynolds, Smith, Sweatman, Thomas | 11K | 30 Jun 2004 |
21jul04.txt | Bingham, Bryant, Cobb, Draper, Eberhart, Ginn, Head, Langston, Moon, Segars, Watson, Wilson | 12K | 21 Jul 2004 |
28jul04.txt | Beck, Duncan, Foster, Jordan, Pritchett, Smith, Wade, Waite, Westmoreland, Wier | 11K | 28 Jul 2004 |
4aug04.txt | Atkinson, Brown, Butler, Ellison, Graham, Hall, McDonald, Payne, Seagraves, Threldkeld, Vaughn, Venable | 13K | 04 Aug 2004 |
11aug04.txt | Beck, Bellew, Elrod, Greer, Hanley, Johnson, Martin, Norton, Phillips, Porterfield, Risner, Rose, Rousey, Shipman, Tomlinson | 16K | 11 Aug 2004 |
18aug04.txt | Ayers, Berryman, Bridges, Brunson, Clifton, Fish, Hudson, King, Nickels, Pethel, Toney, Ward | 14K | 18 Aug 2004 |
25aug04.txt | Adams, Allen, Fortson, Gabriel, Looney, Price, Strickland, Thomas, Tune | 12K | 25 Aug 2004 |
1sep04.txt | Brown, Burnette, Catlet, Cowart, Cox, Fowler, Gordon, Ivey, Mathis, Pugh, Scogin, Temple, thrasher, Williams, Zucker | 17K | 01 Sep 2004 |
8sep04.txt | Brooks, Cantrell, Cregar, Holcomb, Parten, Saterfield, Smith (2), Strickland, Sutton, Tompkins, Worley | 13K | 08 Sep 2004 |
15sep04.txt | Adams, Anthony, Butler, Floyd, Epps, Hancock, Rucker, Sims, Wansley, Westbrook, Wilson | 13K | 08 Nov 2004 |
22sep04.txt | Acree, Bell, Bragg, Conley, Dyer, Floyd (2), King, Meadows, Phillips, Wehunt, Whisnant, Wirtz | 13K | 08 Nov 2004 |
29sep04.txt | Beatenbough, Carlan, Coile, Cromer, Floyd, Grizzle, Murray, Pulliam, Roach Simmons | 13K | 08 Nov 2004 |
6sep04.txt | Bowen, Bradberry, Bullock, Chambers, Harris, Herndon, Morris, Scarborough, Shelton, Slaton, Smith | 13K | 08 Nov 2004 |
13oct04.txt | Ayers, Crosby, Fitzpatrick, Hardman, Hood, James, Lance, Nelms, Scarborough, Seagraves, Seymour | 13K | 08 Nov 2004 |
20oct04.txt | Allen, Cochran, Cox, Haynes, Janes, Landress, Maxwell, McKie, Norton, Strickland | 13K | 08 Nov 2004 |
27oct04.txt | Aaron, Bales, Brewer, Coile, Davidson, Eberhart, Harrison, Leet, Lynch, Rice, Weir | 13K | 08 Nov 2004 |
3nov04.txt | Bennett, Brooks, Childers, Fitzpatrick, Geter, Goss,. Grice, Myers, Shelton, Wingate | 13K | 08 Nov 2004 |
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