Mecklenburg CO. NC - Obit of Mrs. Mattie H. Campbell, 1897 Submitted by Linda Blackwelder From the Obituary Scrapbook of Ola Sing from 1890s. Used by permission of the owner: Obit of Mrs. Mattie H. Campbell (Feb 27, 1897) An Appreciative Tribute to Her Memory by Her Pastor. Mrs. Mattie H. Campbell, wife of Mr. C. B. Campbell, a deacon in Steel Creek Presbyterian Church, passed from this scene of conflict to her reward of glory Feb, 1897. The circumstances of her death were peculiarly sad. In attending to her infant child her dress caught fire, and before any one could reach her, she was fatally burned. In great agony and yet marvelous patience, she lingered for nearly two weeks and then, she was not, for God took her. The daughter of J. F. Gallant and Mary, his wife, she was left motherless at 6 years of age. This, as is often the case, developed in her great kindness, self possession and strength of character. She became in early life a member of Central Steel Creek A. R. P. church. She passed through the temptations of youth triumphantly, adorning the doctrine of God her savior. On Dec 22nd, 1886, she was married to C. B. Campbell. The very church building in which she had worshipped a God became her home, for after the erection of Central Steel Creek the old church was turned into a commodious dwelling place. So it came to pass she died on the very spot on which she had been baptized. After her marriage she joined the church of her husband. Mrs. Campbell was a woman of rare and beautiful qualities of mind and heart. Quiet and modest in demeanor she possessed a strong mind and a sterling character. Devoted to her husband and three children, she was a noble type of a faithful, godly mother and wife. Her sufferings were intense. The community rallied to her relief with an outburst of sympathy rarely seen, a token of the high esteem and love in which the family were held. In spite of all that devoted, loving attention could do, she gradually sank till death claimed her for his own. Her patient endurance was an immortal sermon to us who remain. Her faith and hope were finally fixed on Jesus' blood and righteousness. She is at peace. A home has lost it crown, a mother. A husband, his cheer and sunshine-we cannot understand it. "Lord, how mysterious are they ways." But we can say with sorrowing hearts, "It is well". Pastor. ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Blackwelder ====================================================================