Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Harris, Mrs Julian Hostess To Lane Chapter, U. D. C. 1943
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Sheelagh Donaldson March 6, 2025, 2:49 pm

Charlotte Post, Saturday Jan 09, 1943 1943
Mrs. Harris Is Hostess To Lane Chapter, U. D. C.
The General James H. Lane chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, held 
its monthly meeting with Mrs. Julian Harris at her home on Altondale avenue 
yesterday afternoon. Hostesses with Mrs. Harris were Mrs. J. B. Rudisill, Mrs. 
E. R. Dimette, Mrs. Lee Bailey, Mrs. C. W. Hallenbeck, and Mrs.
George Roberts.
Mrs. Grady Ross, the president, presided.  Splendid reports were
given by the committee chairmen.
	The report of Mrs. L. B. Newell, benevolent chairman, was outstanding.  
She reported that five families were helped at Christmas with clothing and 
food amounting to $300.
Mrs. Ross, the president, reported that approximately 3,315 children 
and teachers have listened to her talk on the Confederate Navy Yard and that 
800 pupils have used the material in history classes.
The chapter will renew its all-day Sews Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the 
home of Mrs. S. D. Morton with Mrs. S. L. Diggle, assistant hostess.  Complete 
layettes are being made by the members for the babies of charity patients in 
the hospitals.
After the husiness session Mrs. A. R. E4wards introduced Dr. Calvin Rea who 
gave an interesting and inspiring talk on General Robert E. Lee.  After the 
meeting was adjourned the hostesses served sandwiches and tea.

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