Mecklenburg COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Samuel Gingles to James S. Russell, 
				 13 Nov 1834

Copied from the original papers in the bible of David Green Russell (1819-1895)

This Indenture made this thirteenth day of November in the year of our Lord, 
one thousand eight hundred and thirty four. Between Samuel Gingles of 
Mecklenburg County and State of North Carolina of the one part and James S. 
Russell of the same county and State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth 
that for and in consederation of the sum of five hundred dollars in hand paid 
by the said James S. Russell unto the aforesaid Samuel Gingles the rect of 
which is hereby acknowledged and therefore do release acquit and discharge the 
said James S. Russell his heirs and assigns forever and that the said Samuel 
Gingles hath given granted bargained and sold - enforced conveyed and made 
over - unto the said James S. Russell his heirs and assigns all that tract or 
parcel of land lying on the waters of Duck Creek. Beginning at a stake in the 
creek on the waggon road and runs North 8 W 68 poles to a stake thence N and E 
58 poles to a white oak on said road. Thence N 10 W 110 to a post oak. Thence 
N 44 W 56 poles to a black oak thence S 45 W 54 poles to a Gum on the creek. 
Thence S 40 E 27 poles to a Post Oak thence S 20 W 102 poles to a Post Oak 
Thence S 25 E 90 poles to a small post oak Thence S 44 W 74 poles to a hickory 
Thence S 35 E 80 poles to a hickory Thence S 35 E 80 poles to a hickory Thence 
S 72 E 18 poles to a Spanish Oak on the creek Thence down the various 
meanderings of said creek to the beginning. Containing by calculation two 
hundred and fifty acres by the same more or less. And all the ways woods and 
water courses, and all every the appertanances thereunto belonging or in 
anywise appertaining and the reservoir or reserviors remainder or remainders 
rents essues and profits of the afresaid land and promises and every part 
thereof and all the estate right interest claim property and demand whatsoever 
of the said Samuel Gingles of in and to the land. Hereby granted to have and 
to hold with the appertanances thereinto belonging unto the said James S. 
Russell his heirs and assigns forever. The said Samuel Gingles for him and his 
heirs the aforesaid land and premises and every part thereof against his heirs 
against the claim of any person or persons whatever to the said James S. 
Russell and his heirs forever shall and will forever warrant and defend from 
every incumbrance to the said James S. Russell by these presents in witness 
whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and date above 

Signed sealed and delivered
In presence of						Saml. Gingles
W.L. Gingles
A.A. Alexander

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