NC, Mecklenburg, County Records, misc

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This file was contributed by  Mark A. Murphy , August 2000.


[Mecklenburg County Records, book unknown, p. 383-384]
[transcribed from photocopy of original by Mark A. Murphy, 8/24/2000]

State of North Carolina
Machlenburg County
I. Isaac Alexander, Clerk of the court of Pleas and Qarter Sessions held 
for the county of Machlenburg do here by sertify that the omesced[?] is a 
true coppy of the last Will and testament of Marshall T. Polk deceased as 
filed a way in my office and that the above is a true (statement)[crossed 
out] coppy from the minutes of proceding of the Court of Pleas and 
Quarters Sessions held at my Term 1831 for the County of Machlenburg held 
therein.  In testamony whereof I had hereunto subscribed my name and 
affixed the Seal of my Office this the 2d day of June in 1831.
Isaac Alexander, CMC

State of North Carrolina
Mechlinburg County
I, Pearsall Thompson one of the active Justices of the Peace for the 
county of Mechlenburg and Chearman of the Court of Pleas and Quarter 
Sessions held fro said county do here by Sertify that the above named 
Isaac Alexander is clerk of the said court as such all his acts are 
insilled[?] to due faith and credit and that his Sertificate is in due 
form. In witneSs I have here unto Subscribed my name this the 2d day June 
A.D. 1831
Pearsall Thompson Chr

[curly script indicating end of record]

N. Murphy Decd
List of Sale
Record 16th Sept 1831

W.P.[B.?]Murpry-	Bed of Furniture		"    $2.00
P." Reavs		do		do		"	2.00
M.P. Murpry-  "	do		do		do	2.50
Will S. Embry-	6 Chairs	"		"	2.6/11
J.   "  Reavs  "	3 do		"		"	"75
Do   "  do	   "	Lot of hard ware		"	"62 1/2
John Hucherson	Set of Spoons		"	"56 1/2
William Trown  "	do teal do			"	"25
J.   "  Reavs  " 	Set of plates		"	"6/2
William Burges "	one are[?]--		"	"56 1/2
John Dillaha   "	one do	"		"	"62 1/2
Stephen Smith  "  divers irons		"	"43 1/2
[end of page]

John H. Nance  "	one hanier[?]		"	"18.3/4
John garret	   "	one hoe			"	"25-
John H. Nance  "  one Plow & chains		"	"1.37 1/2
E. Reavs	   "  one Reap hook		"	" 25
J. Reavs	   "  one loom			"	2.50

[curly script indicating end of record]

John Andrews Deceased
Noncupative Will
Recorded 6th Oct 1831

The noncupative will of John Andrews Deceased.  The evidence of Levi G. 
Dillihay be sworn deposith & say that John Andrews told him the day before 
he died that he dsired that the whole of his property to continue in the 
hands of his wife Elizabeth Andrews to support herself and family upon and 
as the family maried or left her to dispose of the property to them as he 
had began and at her death for the whole of the property to be equally 
divided amongst the whole of my children.
Isaac L. Jackson
The evidence of Robert Ed. Morison the same of the above
Robert Ed. Morison
Sworn to before me this thirteenth June 1831
Robr[?] Williams JP
James > Baldridge JP

[curly script indicating end of record]

Ebenezer Rice Senr. Decd.
Recorded 6th Oct 1831

In the name of God amen.
I Ebenezer Rise Senr Minister of the gospel by the grace of God being sick 
but of sound and disposing mind and memory [some scratched out text] and 
calling to mind the mortality of my body do think it an act of prudence to 
direct in what manner I wish said worldly goods as it has pleased God to 
bleSs me with shall be disposed of after my decease and do Therefore 
[end of page]