Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....JETTON, "et Al" September 5, 1787 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kay Jetton September 14, 2007, 10:58 am Source: Mecklenburg County Will Records Written: September 5, 1787 JETTON WILLS FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY NC MECKLENBURG COUNTY NC WILLS WILL OF JOHN JETTON Vol. 9, 5 ______mber 1787. Wife: Elizabeth, dwelling house; grandson: Zebulon, son of Isaac; 40 acres adjacent land of my son Isaac Son: Abraham, all lands not before willed; Son: Lewis, my writing desk Son: John Dau: Mary, 20 pounds Dau: Rachel Executors: wife and son Lewis ----------------------------- MECKLENBURG CO., NC WILLS, VOL. 9, PG 101 (OR 401) very dim Elizabeth Jetton, 23 January 1813 dau: Mary Thomas granddau: Jemima Beaty dau: Rachel Huggins dau - in - law: Priscilla Jetton Son: Lewis Executor: son Lewis Witnesses: Asaph Jetton, Ezekiel Jetton, James _______ ----------------------------- MECKLENBURG COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA WILLS Will of Lewis Jetton, written 11 September 1826 In the name of God amen. I Lewis Jetton of the State of N Carolina & County of Mecklenburg, now enjoying a good state of health with the blessings of sound mind & memory, calling to view the uncertainty of life, do make this instrument of writing my last will & testament in manner & form following: to wit. First it is my will & I do order that all my just debts & funeral charges be paid. 2nd It is my will & I do order that my beloved wife Priscilla have one hundred & ten acres of land including the dwelling house the same being the part of my tract of Land that was surveyed & marked off commonly called the home lot during her life, which land at land at her decease shall d___nd to my youngest daughter Priscilla. I do further give & bequeath to my beloved wife Priscilla my negro boy named Richard Franklin, also all the household & kitchen furniture (except one bed & furniture) to be hers and at her own disposal, also my Roan horse. 3rd It is my will & I do order that my daughter Jemima Beaty have one hundred acres of land lying in the south east corner of my lands marked on the plat of division of my land No. 1st. 4th It is my will & I do order that the heirs of my daughter Sally S Brevard deceased have one hundred acres of land lying North of Jemimas & east the home lot marked in plat of division No. 2. 5th It is my will & I do order that my son John L. Jetton have one hundred acres of Land lying north of the lot laid off for the heirs of Sally marked in plat No. 3. 6th It is my will & I do order that my daughter Mary Gillham have one hundred acres of Land lying north of John L's lot marked & laid down in platt No. 4. The above devised lands to be so here to fore surveyed & laid off in the general platt of Division 7 single platt marked & numbered by Adam McKeever be the same more or less/ 7th It is my will & I do order that my daughter Priscilla have one bed & furniture. 8th It is my will & I order that all the remainder of my Estate both real & Personal be sold & the proceeds by equally divided to my beloved wife Priscilla, my two sons & daughters namely Elizabeth, Jemima, Mary, Sally's Heirs one part & Prisilla, John L, James S., Alexander B., Asaph & Isaac Z. Jetton (It being expressly understood that all receipts heretofore or that may herafter be given by any of the above named legatees for any property at the certain valuation or money as part of my estate __ considered & accounted as proceed of sale & division made accordingly. Disallowing all former wills, legacy & executors, ordaining & ___sing by their presents my beloved wife Priscilla with my sons Alexander B Jetton & Francis Beaty to be my joint Executors of this my last will & Testament. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand & seal this 11th day of September in the year of our Lord 1826. Signed sealed published & pronounced in the presence of John Gibson, John Goodrum. Lewis Jetton (Seal) ------------------------ MECKLENBURG CO., NC WILLS, VOL. 9, BOOK E, PG 210? Priscilla Jetton 8 Aug 1829 In the name of God Amen. I Priscilla Jetton of the county of Mecklenburg and the State of North Carolina being in a low state of health but of sound mind and memory do this Eighth day of August in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Twenty nine make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following, that is to say, First it is my will that all my just and lawful debts and funeral charges be first paid. 2nd I will and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Steel the sum of fifty dollars. 3rd I give and bequeath to my daughter Priscilla all the remainder of my estate namely my Negro woman Judith and her child Caroline and boy Franklin, horse, cattle, hogs, household and kitchen furniture with every species of property not particularly mentioned during her life. 4th It is my will (that in order my daughter Priscilla have a decent and comfortable support) that my son Alexander B. Jetton take the whole of the property into his possession of which I die seized or possessed and make sale of such parts or so much therof as he may think unnecessary to retain in kind for her comfort or convenience, negroes excepted. 5th It is my will that at Priscilla's decease the whole of the property I have left her (with the increase thereof) go to my son Alexander B. Jetton to be his and his heirs. 6th I do nominate, constitute and appoint my son Alexander B. Jetton my Executor to execute this my last will and Testament in witness wherof I Priscilla Jetton the testator have her unto set my hand and seal the year and day first above written. Her Priscilla X Jetton Mark Signed and sealed in the presence of John Gibson, James Goodrum Smith Goodrum Additional Comments: Will Abstracts for John Jetton (1787), Elizabeth Jetton (1813) Wills for Lewis Jetton (1826), Priscilla Jetton (1829( This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.4 Kb