Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Harris, Sarah A. 1842
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Ann Gary May 31, 2007, 8:13 pm

Source: Vol. H: Page 95
Written: 1841

MECKLENBURG COUNTY: Record of Wills: 1763-1844, Vols. A-H: C.065.80001: North
Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N. C.

Vol. H: page 95

State of North Carolina: Mecklenburg County

I Sarah A Harris of The State and County aforesaid now in Low health but in 
Sound mind I now make and intend the following as my Last will and Testament. 
I do hereby appoint my Sons John B S Harris and William A Harris as my Lawful 

I now will to my beloved daughter Margaret Harris my negro girl Vicey and her 
four Children Jim, Lucy, Amanda and Joe to be considered worth fifteen Hundred 
dollars and Receive as So much of What may be her Legacy in a division of my 

I will to my beloved Son John B S Harris a negroe Boy Stanhope valued at Six 
Hundred Dollars

I will to my beloved Daughter Eugenia G Harris an negroe Girl Patsey valued at 
Five Hundred Dollars

I will to my Beloved Son W A Harris a negro Boy Elam valued at Five Hundred 
Dollars all to be Received as So much of their Legacy in the Division of my 

It is my will that The ballance of my negros Some of which are in the State of 
Alabama be valued by two disinterested persons

It is my will that property be divided as equal as possible among my Children 
as proportion due my beloved Daughter Mary D Dunlap now in Alabama that it be 
and Remain in the possession of my Executors to act as Trustees for the 
Children of her person and to be paid or handed to them at the age of Eighteen 
Should they live otherwise it becomes the property in Common with my other 
heirs at Law

I further invest in the Trustees the full power to pay over to my Daughter 
Mary D the proceeds arrising from the Same if they think it necessary

I Invest in my Executors the full power to Sell privately or publicly any 
property that they may deem best to the interests of the heirs and to 
discharge all Liabilities for which my Estate may be liable before a division 
and it is my will that any of the heirs That may be instrumental in creating
Litigation in my Estate Shall forfeit  his or her Interest in the Same

     In Conclusion I will to my beloved Son John B S Harris a note which I 
hold on him for Five thousand Dollars in fee Simple after deducting deducting 
from it what I owe him the ballance to be considered as his I now affix my 
hand and Seal this 6th Day of Octr in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight 
Hundred and forty two in presence of
Test   Wm. G. White                  Sarah A Harris [Seal]
Test   James Holland


I change in presence of Maj. Z. Morris The valuation of Vicey & her four 
children as valued in the above at fifteen Hundred Dollars and intend them to 
be considered as worth Eleven Hundred Dollars to Margaret in the Division 6th 
Octr. 1842

Test Z Morris                          S. A. Harris (Seal)

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