Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Carothers, Hugh July 21, 1782
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Janel Woodbury August 17, 2007, 10:27 am

Source: Mecklenburg County Wills, Will Book A, Page 207
Written: July 21, 1782

In the name of God Amen
I, Hugh Carothers of Mecklenburg County in the state of North Carolina, being 
in a low state of health, but of sound mind and perfect memory, thanks to God 
for all His mercies, taken into consideration the mortality of my nature do 
judge it my duty to constitute and make this my last will and testament.

First; I do give and bequeath my soul to Almighty God from whom I received it 
and my body to be decently interred at the discretion of my wife and executors 
herein named, being certain that it shall be raised at the Last Day.

As to my worldly estate I will and positively order that all my debts be paid 
first. I give my loving wife her bed and bed clothes, one black mare and her 
saddle and two cows of her own choosing, and all the pewter, likewise the 
house I now live in, her spinning wheel if she remains unmarried, but if she 
marries to have no right to cows or house any longer but goes to my two sons 
John and Robert Carothers and Esther Ross and Sarah Purviance Durand, all 
being married and having given them what I allowed them apiece, vis. My two 
sons and two daughters aforesaid I now allow each of them one Crown Sterling.

I give my son James Carothers the land that I now live on with the two surveys 
joining the same and the remainder horse creatures and likewise the remainder 
of the cattle after his mother has chosen likewise my son James is to have all 
the remainder of the household furniture, he making brother Hugh the right of 
a certain tract of land of his lying on the South side of Rocky River and 
further my son James is to have plow and gears and all the working tools 
belonging to the plantation and the wagon irons, I give my son Hugh Carothers 
one cow and calf as he married contrary to my will.

I do nominate my well beloved wife Sarah Carothers and my son James Carothers 
to be my Executrix and Executor of this my last Will and Testament.
In the year of our Lord 1782.                    Hugh Carothers {seal}

Signed and sealed in the presence of Peter Burns, Robert Campbell, and William 

Additional Comments:
"I give my son Hugh Carothers one cow and calf as he married contrary to my 
will." This is the ancestor of the submitter. His wife was named Mary and they 
eventually settled in Alabama.

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