Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Harris, Col. Robert 1796
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Ann Gary June 2, 2007, 10:00 pm

Source: Mrs. Wright (1911)
Written: 1796

Mrs. Wright (1911) 

This is Col Robert Harris of Reedy Creek


In the name of God, amen.  I, Robert Harris, being in my ordinary state of 
health, blessed by God for all His mercies to me, calling to mind mortality of 
my body; do make this my last will and testament:

    First -- I order all my just debts to be paid, with funeral expenses.

    Second -- I bequeath to my son, Robert Harris, my negro Harris, and admise 
my son to sell said negro in this neighborhood so that he may live near his 
parents.  I also bequeath to my son my watch and one bed and clothes, also my 
book, M. S. Baxter, and Shaw's two books, and Milton's Paradise Lost and 
Gained, and my body cloth and my new waddle.  Secondly, I bequeath to my 
daughter, Elizabeth my negroes, Dublin, Cloe, Prince and Charles.  I order my 
negro Sal to go with Cloe, so that my daughter may take care of her, as she 
has the fits, the said negroes to continue in her possession during her life, 
and at her death she may dispose of them as she thinks proper.  I bequeath to 
my grandson, Major James Harris, my negro Melinda.  I bequeath to my grand-
daughter Grizel one bed and clothes and two cows and two calves, and also my 
little negro, Linney, daughter to Malinda.  I also bequeath to my grand-
daughter, Dorcas, John Cochran's wife, 40 lbs, to be paid in two years after 
my death.  I will and bequeath to my son-in-law, Samuel Harris, one English 
shillings.  I order my executors to pay the heirs of Robert McMurry 15 lbs, 
the remainder of William Campbell's estate.  I bequeath to my daughter 
Elizabeth the remainder of what furniture is in my house not mentioned above, 
the oval table excepted, which I order to be sold. I order all my land to be 
sold and every part of my property not mentioned above, and after paying the 
above legacy the money arising from the sale and what may be in my hands at my 
death to be equally divided between my son Robert and my daughter Elizabeth, 
to be by them possessed and enjoyed.  I ordain and appoint my whole and sole 
executors my grandson, James Harris, and Edward Giles, Esq., revoking all 
former wills by me made.

In testimony whereof, I set my hand and seal this 25th day of January, 1796.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Charles Harris, Robert 
Cochran, William Harris.
                       (Signed)  ROBERT HARRIS   (Seal.)


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