State of North Carolina
Mecklenburg County
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State of North Carolina
Mecklenburg County
Died January 6, 1836

Know all persons that I Charles Elms Sr. of the said State and County
being advanced in years but in usual good health and as I humbly
conceive or believe of sufficient sound memory and judgement declare
and do make and so far as I myself can do it do confirm the following
to be my last will and testament filing a plea in the recollection of
the  many struggles and difficulties I with my companions in arms
during our revolutionary war, waded through and _______? when we bled
freely to procure a government of laws.  I now beg of those of my
fellow citizens who may survive me and may have an agency in the
execution of the law to lend me their aid to support my rights and
priviledges which I humbly conceive the laws are intended to secure to
us and to our prosperity.  I therefore presume to make this my
last will and testament in the following manner (viz)
1. In the first place when it shall please divine providence to order
me from this stage of probation to a world of spirits.  I resign my
soul or better part to its author and true owner.
2. To my son John I will and bequeath my negro boy James Joe forever.
3. I will and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Moss two negroes viz old
fester and a girl called Betsy to her during her actual life time and
at her death to her children with the exception of her daughter Lucinda
Moss who will be provided for hereafter
4. To my son Charles Elms childrens, I will and bequeath my negro named
Solomon in trust to and under the control of their mother Sarah Elms
until the childrens shall of age.
5. To my son Ezekiel Elms heirs if any should be alive and be alive and
of age at or before the death of said Ezekiel six hundred dollars to be
at my death under the control or management of my son John by loaning
or otherwise and the proceeds thereof or a part of the principal at the
discretion of my said son John to be used to the benefit of said
Ezekiel Elms and his childrens if any at his death if not the balance
of said money to be equally divided between the rest of my children
alive or to their representatives.
6. To my daughter Rebecca Daniels I will and bequeath my negro woman
Violet and her four childrens.  Solomon, Jack Deilla Nancy and said
Violet future offsprings if any for my said daughter Rebecca use until
her death at her death to be equally divided between all her childrens.
7. To my son Edmund Elms if he shall be yet alive and will apply to my
executors I will and bequeath the sum of twenty dollars and if he
should die leaving any heirs to his heirs I will and bequeath six
hundred dollars to be paid to him her or them when of age if not the
said six hundred dollars to be equally divided between my son John Elms
my daughter in law Sarah Elms (the wife of my son Charles and her
childrens James Elms the heirs of Ezekiel Elms if any and WW Elms.
8. To my son James Elms I will and bequeath my negro woman named Silvy.
9. To my son Reubin Elms if he should be alive and personally himself
apply otherwise to be applied as in No. 7th above but he also apply I
will and bequeath to him twenty dollars.
10. To my daughter Lucinda Elms I will and bequeath my negro girl named
Priscicalla and her offspring also the mother said Priscicalla also a
horse called Rufus a cow a calf her choice and a beding sow also after
my death she shall have all my household furniture subject to the
following exceptions, ___ bed and furniture to W.W. Elms and also if
Edmund and Reuben Elms should personally apply they shall receive from
Lucinda a bed and furniture each.
11. I will and bequeath to my son W W Elms my negro boy Peter and the
bed and furniture above mentioned
12. To my grand daughter Lucinda Moss I will and bequeath my negro girl
Molly the daughter of negro woman Elmy
13. I will and bequeath to my son James Elms and my daughter Lucinda
the plantation on which I now live and all the Smyth tract, about one
hundred nine acres in the following manner, i.e. fifty acres including
the improvements to Lucinda but James is to have equal right to the
land until said Lucinda shall marry or die then the said 50 acres shall
revert to my son James at fair price by valuation which shall be paid
to said Lucinda or her heirs or assigns the who 109 acres will then be
the property of James forever and said James and Lucinda is then to
have an further I aim to any other land or proceeds thereof not herein
disposed off
14. I will and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Moss one hundred acres of
my tract of land called the Patton tract to be laid off in the west end
of said tract joining Benj. Morrow and Wm. Cook provided said Nancy
shall think proper to settle upon it if not the said one hundred acres
to be sold and the proceeds to be equally divided as set forth in the
7th item of this will with the exception of James and Lucinda as
mentioned in the 13th Item said Nancy and her heirs to have an equal
15. To my daughter Rebecca Daniels I will and bequeath the use of the
plantation on which she now lives so long as she remains a widow of if
she should marry the plantation to be sold and the proceeds to be
equally divided according to the directions of the preceding or 14th
Item 16. And finally all the rest of my property not herein bequeathed
or otherwise disposed of by my before my death shall after my decease
be sold and the proceeds thereoff after my funeral and other ___
expenses shall be first paid the balance to be equally divided as above
directed in the 14 and 15 Item
17. I hereby appoint my son John Elms and Thomas N. Alexander to be the
Executors of this my last will and testament.   Signed and sealed being
duly read each and every article thereof the 13th day of June in the
year 1835 duly in the presence of

Wm. Cook      Charles X Elms
Elieza Alexander
John McColloch Jr
Adam A. Springs
Note:  Mecklenburg County Record of Wills, Book G, 1776 - 1836, Pages
226 - 230; Charles Elms (Charles' will in NC Archives is a handwritten
copy of the original will which no long exists.  I have transcribed the
will as written with same spelling and punctuation as in original.)
Biographical Note: Charles' wife, Rebecah Withers whom he married in
Warren County, NC on  17 August 1785, died on 22 August 1834.  Both are
buried at Flint Hill Baptist Church, Ft. Mill, SC.  Charles served
several enlistments during the Revolution and received a pension.