Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Harris, Rebecca 1827 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Gary May 29, 2007, 9:13 pm Source: Vol. E: Page 100 Written: 1827 MECKLENBURG COUNTY; Record of Wills: 1763-1844, Vols. A-H: C.065.80001: North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N. C. Vol. E: Page 100 Mecklenburg County North Carolina In the name of God Amen. I Rebecca Harris being sound in mind & memory blessed be God for the Same & being mindful of my mortality do make & ordain this my Last Will & Testament in manner & form following, viz. Item 1st I give will & bequeath to my Executor herein after named my negro Girl Sophia in Trust for the sole use of my Daughter Dorcas Johnston & Children with full power to dispose of said Girl in Such manner as he shall think Shall think best for the Interest of my said Daughter Dorcas Johnston and Children And at the death of the said Dorcas Johnston to decend together with her offspring Should She have any to children the Lawful Heirs of my said Daughter Dorcas Johnston. Item 2nd I give will & bequeath to my Grand Daughter Rebecca Jones Thirty Dollars Item 3rd. I give will & bequeath to my Grand Daughter Rebecca Orr Thirty Dollars Item 4th I give will & bequeath to my son in Law Isaac Campbell one Dollars. Item 5th I give will & bequeath to my Daughters that may survive me all my wearing appearal beding & Cupboard wear to be equally divided between them Item 6th It is my will that the balance of my Estate after paying funeral expenses be equally divided between my Son Jonathan Orr & my Sons in Law William Young(?), Amos Alexander, John McKee & James Wilson Item 7th I give will & bequeath to my Executor hereinafter named equal portion with my other sons in Law to be by this Will in Trust for the only use & benefit of my Daughter Dorcas Johnston & Children Lastly I hereby nominate constitute & appoint my neigh. & friend Andrew Jones to Execute this my Last Will & Testament hereby disannually & making void all others and confirming this in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this 14th day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight Hundred & Twenty Seven Signed Sealed & Confirmed in the presence of us Ira Parks Her George Alien Rebecca X Harris (Seal) Mark This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb