Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Harris, Samuel Stanhope 1844 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Gary May 29, 2007, 8:44 pm Source: Vol. H, Page 159 Written: 1844 Mecklenburg County: Record of Wills: 1763-1844 NC Vol. H, page 159 In the name of God Amen. I Samuel Stanhope Harris of Harrisburg in the County of Mecklenburg and State of N. Carolina at present in declining health of body but possessed of full intellectual power with thankfulness to Almighty god for his precious blessings do make and ordain this Instrument whereon 1 am declaring the Instrument of my mind to be my last Will and Testament I recommend my Soul to the Keeping of Almighty God, my master hoping a assuredly that through the merits of Jesus Christ our only Saviour to be made a partaker of life of everlasting and my body to the Dust whereof it was made. I will that all my Just debts Shall be paid as soon as my Executor shall find Convenient to do So with Justice & propriety I will and bequeath to my wife Martha Ann the tract of land on which I now live which I purchased from J. F. Gilum including also a Small tract adjoining thereto which I purchased from Joseph Hunter also a small tract of land containing about Thirty five Acres on the East Side of the Charlotte Road Joining the lands of D. Towie and others also my Interest in the tract of land lying on Mastard Creek, Known as the Carrigan place, Joining the lands of Moses Alexander and Others, but in case of her Marriage at any Subsequent time or death during widowhood I will that the whole of my land Estate above mentioned Shall descent in full right & title to my three Daughters Sarah Harriet, Jane Esther & Henrietta Lydia to be equally divided among them, and in case any of them Should die without issue to be equally divided between the Surviving Sisters I do furthermore bequeath to my wife Martha Ann all the Household & Kitchen furniture, also my library of books excepting the beds, bedsteads, & beding, one third of which I will to my wife Martha Ann the remaining two thirds of the beds bedsteads and beding I will to my three daughters Sarah H. Jane E & Henrietta L. to be equally divided as near as may be among them but to be Kept for the Common use of the family until the distributive; Share of each or any one of them Shall be Required. I do furthermore will to my wife Martha Ann, my Carriage & Harness, the choice of three Horses out of the whole Stock except the Young bay horse (Hie) which I will in common to my three daughters I will also to my wife Martha Ann the whole of my Stock of Cattle, Hogs & Sheep attached to the plantation on which I live and also the Waggon & Gear ploughs Hoes and farming Utensils of every description. I will to my wife Martha Ann all my Crop housed or growing I will that my old negro Woman Betty shall be Kept and Supported by the plantation on which I now live during the remainder of her life I will that the whole of my Estate not heretofore Delivered be equally divided among my three daughters Sarah, Jane, & Henrietta after the extinguishment of my debts. I will that my daughters share have a home on the place on which I now live as long as they may desire it free of charge for board. I will furthermore that my daughters Sarah H & Jane E. previous to their being put in Possession of their distributive Share of property aforementioned Shall execute to my Executors an unconditional Relinquishment or Quit Claim of their right and title to a Small tract or parcel of land lying in Bedford County Tennessee, which land I sold Some Years ago for the Sum of Six hundred Dollars Said land having descended to them by their Mother, she having inherited it from Esther Alexander, her Mother to whom a large lot of land had been bequeathed by her Father Col. Caleb Phifer - 1 will in order that equal exact Justice may done to all my Children that the relinquishment aforementioned be made by my Daughters Sarah Harriet & Esther Jane in as much as a larger Sum of money obtained through the Mother of my daughter Henrietta, was expended for the Said common purposes. I will that if any one of daughters Should die before arriving at mature age or afterwards without leaving living lawful issue - the portion of my Estate bequeathed and allotted to her, Shall be equally divided betwixt the Surviving Sisters 1 will that my Executors proceed with as much dispatch as may be expedient to the collection of all claims due me, and apply the funds arising there from to the extinguishment of my debts except one note which I hold on W. L. Davidson & Theo. Falls for the Sum of two Hundred and fifty Seven Dollars & 17 cts dated February 21 1842 and whatever Sum of money may be due for the rent of property in Tennessee, which note and Sum of money I will and bequeath to the exclusive use and benefit of my wife Martha Ann, but in case all other available Claims due her, after having been Collected and applied to the liquidation of my debts Shall fail to be enough to discharge them all, I will and direct that my wife Martha Ann Shall pay One half of the Residue of debt outstanding against me and that my Executors Shall pay the Other half out of the proceeds of the Common property willed to my Daughters. I hereby invest my Executors with Authority to manage and dispose of the property willed to my daughters by hiring or Selling any portion of it at private or public Sale or in any other way deemed by them to be most advantageous to the Interest of my Children I do hereby Constitute and appoint my brother Charles J. Harris of Cabarrus Co. & my friend Daniel Parks Esq of Charlotte to execute this my last will and Testament declared signed & Sealed in the presence of the Subscribing witnesses this 18th January 1844 Wm. McGinnis Edwin Alexander Saml. S. Harris [Seal] This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.3 Kb