Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Carothers, Sarah April 21, 1798 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lynn Beatty June 5, 2009, 8:58 am Source: Josiah V. Thompson Journals, Vol. 13 Written: April 21, 1798 Court House Charlotte, N.C. office of clerk of Superior Courts May 21, 1925 Will Book A page 208 Will of Sarah Carothers recites she is now of the Co of Mecklenburg & is weak in body. 1st to my beloved son Robert, one English crown out of my personal estate. 2. to my beloved son James $12.50 out of my personal estate 3. to my beloved son in law Samuel Sloan & my daughter Margaret Sloan $2 & 1/2 my wearing apparel. 4. to my beloved son John Carothers $12.50 5. to my beloved son William Carothers $3. 6. to my beloved son Andrew Carothers $10 7. to my beloved son Samuel Carothers $10 8. to my beloved son Archibald Carothers, his prom. note for 7.48 9. to my beloved son by law Absalom McDoward & my daughter Isabella $10 & half of my wearing apparel my bed & furniture 10. to my beloved son in law Samuel Neely one Eng crown 11. to my two beloved grandsons, John & Samuel Neely $10 12. to my beloved grandson Eyehich Neely my bible & $5 13. to my beloved granddaughter Mary Carothers, my spinning wheel 14. to my beloved granddaughter Mary Vena Carothers my saddle 15. to my beloved grandson James Carothers, my hat. Appoints son James Carothers & son in law Samuel Neely Exrs. Dated Apr 21, 1798 Sarah Carothers (seal) Witness John Neely, Donald Macinnish. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb