Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Harris, Charles 1776
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Ann Gary May 29, 2007, 8:37 pm

Source: Personal Record
Written: 1776

Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina, May 3, 1776

        In the name of God, amen.  I, Charles Harris, of the county and state 
aforesaid, being in good health of body and sound mind and memory (thanks be 
to God), calling to mind the mortality of the body and that it is appointed to 
all men once to die, I do make and ordain this to be my last will and 
testament.  That is to say, first of all I give and bequeath my precious soul 
unto God who gave it, and my mortal body to the earth, to be buried in a 
decent manner, at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting that at the 
general resurrection I shall receive the same reunited to my soul by the 
Almighty God, and as touching such worldly goods as God has been blessed to 
bless me with in this life, I give, devise and bequeath the same in the 
following manner and form:

FirstI allow all my lawful debts to be paid.

SecondI give and bequeath to my oldest daughter, Martha, five shillings.

ThirdI bequeath to said Martha's oldest daughter, Jane Harris, twenty-five 
pounds proclamation currency, to be paid to her as soon as she is married, and 
also I bequeath to the above Martha's second son, Charles Edward Harris, 
twenty-five pounds, proclamation currency, to be paid to him as soon as he 
comes of age.

FourthI give and bequeath to my oldest son, Robert, all that tract of land on 
the west side of Broad River, on both sides of Brown's Creek, in South 
Carolina, and 150 acres joining said tract, and the negro boy Jack, with one-
half my wearing apparel.

FifthI bequeath to my two daughters, Margaret Alexander and Jane Reese, to 
each of them, five shillings sterling.

SixthI bequeath to my son James 100 pounds proclamation currency, to be kept 
in the hands of my son Samuel, and he to pay the interest of it yearly to 
James or to whoever takes care of him, and that must be any of his mother's 
people he chooses to live with, and when he died I order said 100 pounds to be 
equally divided among all my children to my first wife.

SeventhI bequeath to my sons Samuel and Charles all that tract of land on 
which I now live, with that tract or lot called the Rich-Hill, and also 150 
acres on the Big Run, west of said land.  Likewise that land I purchased from 
John Mitchel on the Milky or Back Run, ant that forty acres I bought from Adam 

EighthI give and bequeath to the issue of my son, Thomas, lawfully begotten, 
all that tract of land I bought of Robert Brevard, on Beaver Dam Creek, 
containing 600 acres, to be equally divided among them all when the youngest 
comes of age according to law, their mother to have her maintenance of it 
during her lifetime or widowhood.

NinthI bequeath to my well-beloved wife, Elizabeth, one-third of all my 
personal estate during her life or widowhood, and if she marries I order that 
she have one good feather-bed and necessary clothing and her choice of all the 
horses belonging to the estate (Samuel's mare and her issue being excepted), 
and twenty pounds proclalmation currency, and the negro wench, Dinah, during 
her lifetime, and when she died the said Dinah and her issue to go to my two 
sons, Samuel and Charles.

TenthI give and bequeath to my two sons, Samuel and Charles, all and every 
part of my estate not before mentioned, and if either of them dies before they 
come of age, their part to go to the surviving brother, and if they both die 
during their non-age, their part is to be equally divided amongst all my 

And, lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint my well-beloved wife, Elizabeth, 
and my well-beloved sons, Robert Harris and George Alexander, as executors of 
this my last will and testament, ratifying this and no other to be my last 
will and testament.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 3rd day of May, 

Signed, sealed and delivered by the above named Charles Harris as his last 
will and testament, in the presence of James Gardner, William Gardner and Adam 

                                CHARLES HARRIS    (Seal)

                                ELIZABETH HARRIS  (Seal)

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