Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Harris, Robert 1795 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Gary May 29, 2007, 8:47 pm Source: Vol. C: Page 144 Written: 1795 Mecklenburg County: Record of Wills: 1763-1844, Vols. A-H: North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N.C. Vol. C: page 144 (probated Jan 1795 in Mecklenburg Co NC) State of No. Carolina } Mecklenburg County } In the name of God Amen. I Robert Harris of the County & State aforesaid, being weak in body but Sound in memory & in Exercise of Reason & Judgment considering the mortality of by body & that it is appointed for all men Once to die, I Do hereby constitute & appoint this my Last will & Testament & HEREBY I Do Revoke make void & disannul all former Wills & Testaments made by me. Imprimis I commit my Soul into the hands of God a merciful Creator Item. I commit my body to be decently Interred into the earth at the discretion of my Executors. Item. I order all my lawful Debts & funeral charges to be paid Item. I give & bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Margaret one Horse She getting her choice of all my Son Samuels horse first Excepted Likewise one bed & furniture & her Spining wheel forever. Likewise during her widowhood or to my daughter Margaret comes of age Negro named Dublin, also two Cows & four Sheep all which She has privilege to choose, Likewise all the household furniture, the whole command of the plantation I now live on to my Sons Sam. Is of Age, Likewise all the implements fit for Carrying on the plantation Item. I give & Bequeath to my Son James all Bonds, Notes & receipts that is now in my possession paid by me for him Likewise five Shillings in money Item. I give & bequeath to by Son Oliver five Shillings Item. I give & bequeath to my Son John five Shillings Item. I give & bequeath to my daughter Mary one bed & furniture her Spining sheel & one horse creature She getting her choice of the Stock next after her mother. Likewise the Cattle & Sheep that is not her own property. Item. I give & bequeath to my Son Samuel the one half of the plantation I now live on when he come of Age his mother to have the House I now live in & the furniture & the command & care of the Other half of the plantation until her marriage or death which ever shall first happen, then all the plantation to belong to my son Samuel & implements to Carry on. Likewise one horse which is now his own property. Likewise one Cow & Calf when he comes of Age. Item. I give & bequeath to my Daughter Hannah Wiley one Horse Saddle & Bridle o the amount of Twenty five pounds or the Same amount in money if She chooses. Likewise one Cow & Calf at her marriage or Coming of Age which ever shall happen, one feather bed & furniture & her Spining wheel. Item. I give & Bequeath to my Daughter Margaret one horse Saddle & Bridle to be valued to Twenty five pounds Otherwise the Same amount in money if She chooses Likewise one Cow & Calf, one bed & furniture & her Spining wheel all to be given her at her marriage or coming of age which ever shall first happen Item. I give to Jess Alexander Fifteen pounds to be made up out of my Personal estate he to get the Legacy at his coming of Age in case he gets leave to live with his mother to that period of time if he is taken from her I leave him nothing. Item. I likewise allow that part of my Estate bequeathed to my wife during her widowhood or to my daughters marriage or coming of age to be sold at her marriage or death, or my Daughter Margarets marriage or coming of age which ever Shall first happen., the half of the plantation Bequeathed to my is to be Excepted & kept back from them for my Son James, The remainder to be Sold & equally divided between my two Daughters Hannah Wiley & Margaret Likewise if there by any Remainder of my Estate not Bequeathed, I do allow it to be equally divided between my two youngest Daughters Hannah Wiley & Margaret I do further allow if my wife Should marry or depart this life before my two youngest Daughters marriage or coming of age that my two daughters Hannah Wiley & Margaret to whatever place they make choice of in case my Executors think their choice Suitable~~ I do further Constitute & appoint my beloved wife Margaret & my two Sons Oliver Harris & John Harris to be my Executors of this my last Will & Testament. Given under my hand & Seal the 10th day of Feb; 1794 Witness present Samuel Brown } Ayne Jamison } Robert Harris [Seal] Samuel Harris } This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.0 Kb