Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Luckey, Robert March 3, 1900
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Ken Luckey July 26, 2006, 9:12 pm

Source: Photocopy Of Original
Written: March 3, 1900

The last will and testament of Robt. Luckey of Mecklenburg County, State of 
North Carolina.
I considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound mind and 
memory (blessed be Almighty God for the same) do make and publish this my last 
will and testament in manner and form following. First. I give unto my 
daughter Sarah F. Abernethy fifty and one half acres of land for which she was 
to give me twenty five dollars per acre. She paid me five hundred dollars 
which she heired from her Grandfather Cornelius's Estate, the remainder I give 
her which was seven hundred and sixty two dollars and fifty cts. I give her a 
quit deed about the year of one thousand eight hundred and eighty three or 
eighty four. I also give her one milk cow and calf valued at twenty dollars 
one safe at three dollars. I will to my daughter Sarah F. Abernathy's four 
children one dollar each, Lula, Floyd, Avery and Ellen Abernethy. I leave my 
beloved wife my executor to pay my funeral expenses together with my just 
debts out of my Estate or real estate and personal property. The remainder I 
will to her her life time, at her death to be divided equally between her 
surviving children, Sidney X. Luckey, William E. Luckey, Carrie B. Luckey, 
Katie S. Luckey and Robt. S. Luckey. This made March 3rd 1900.

Robert Luckey

Thomas Gluyas
W. J. Dunn
J. F. Abernethy

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