Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Jack, Patrick May 19, 1780
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Lynn Beatty June 5, 2009, 8:53 am

Source: Josiah V. Thompson Journals, Vol. 13
Written: May 19, 1780

Court House Charlotte, N.C. office of clerk of Superior Courts May 21, 1925
Will Book D Page 93
Will of Patrick Jack gives to beloved wife whole of personal estate & also 
house & lots for life & after her death to be sold & divided among five 
Mary Alexander
Margaret Wilson
Charity Dysart
Jane Barnett
& Lylly Nicholson & grandson Patrick Jack.
Appoints James Jack & Joseph Nicholson Exrs.  Dated May 19, 1780. Patrick Jack 
(seal) Witnesses John Newton, Daniel McDugald, Joseph Wishlaid.

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