Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Harris, Grace Leggitte 1803 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Gary May 31, 2007, 5:38 pm Source: Vol. D: Page 66 Written: 1803 MECKLENBURG COUNTY: Record of Wills: 1763-1844, Vols. A-H: C.065.80001: North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N. C. Vol. D: Page 66 WILL OF GRACE LEGGITTE HARRIS 2ND wife of Samuel Harris (he first married Martha Laird) In the name of God Amen. I Grace Harris of Mecklenburg County & State ofN. Carolina being of Sound & perfect mind & memory (blessed be God) do this 14 day of September in the year of Our Lord 1803 make & publish this my Last Will & Testament in manner following - First I give & bequeath to my son James Harris one hundred dollars worth of property. Item. To my daughter Margarit Alexander I Will & bequeath one Negro Girl named Nile Item To my Grand daughter Eliza Alexander I will one bed & furniture - Item to my four Grand children Sally H Harris, Samuel S Harris, Sally C Alexander, Isaac F Alexander I will & bequeath one Negro boy named Anthony to be sold & the money arising from the sale to be divided between them Share & Share alike. Item. to my Grand Daughter Cecelia Harris if She Should live to be five? years of age I will one negro Girl named Tira & in Case She Should not, then I allow Said negro girl to go to the use of my Grand Daughters Eliza Alexander & Mary Alexander Share and share alike Item to my Grandson James W. ** I will one hundred & fifty dollars Item. to my Grand daughter Mary Alexander I Will Twenty Dollars Item. To my Son Jonathan Harris I Will & bequeath the whole of the remainder of my Estate as follows Negroes Sophia, Alick or what ever kind of property there may be And I hereby make & ordain Jonathan Harris Executor of this my last Will & Testament - In Witness whereof I the Said Grace Harris have to this my last Will & Testament Set my hand & seal the day & Year above written in the presence of us. Hugh Rogers Ann Rogers Grace Harris [Seal] Ich Wilson ** the ink is smeared, it is either Alexander or Harris, impossible to tell which was written over This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb