Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Harris, Samuel Laird 1798 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Gary May 29, 2007, 9:08 pm Source: Vol. D: Page 14 Written: 1798 MECKLENBURG COUNTY: Record of Wills: 1763-1844, Vols. A-H: C.065.80001: North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N. C. Vol. D: Page 14 In the name of God Amen. I Samuel Laird Harris do make & ordain this to be my last Will & Testament & I do hereby revoke & anull all previous wills & Testaments Heretofore made In the first place I do require my Executors to make such provision out of my property As Shall appear in their discretion to be most Suitable & proper for the payment of all My lawful Debts & to have my Estate rendered & clear of incunmbrances & debts as soon as can be done advantageously I do will & bequeath all my share of the land I inherited from my Fathers Estate Lying In Tennessee viz four hundred acres to be Equally divided between my Brothers & Sisters Share & Share alike. I do order & ordain that all my other property shall be to the best advantage at the discretion of my Executors Except the land I Bought of William Kerr. I do will & ordain that the management of the aforesaid Land I bought of William Kerr Shall be left absolutely at the discretion of my Executors either to hold it or Sell it according as it may appear to them to most advantageous for my family I do hereby will & ordain that my beloved wife Mary & the child She is now pregnant With Shall be equal heirs of all my worldly goods & property of whatsoever Kind Whether personal or Real except the land before mentioned lying in Tennessee I do Ordain that my wife Mary be put in possession of her Share of my Estate Immediately or as Soon as can be done with property & advantages I do Ordain that the Childs Share be retained in the hands of my Executors or Such Guardians as may be appointed to be applyed to the Education & necessary expenses of the Child I do also ordain that if the Child of which my beloved wife Mary is now pregnant should die before it arrives to maturity or while it is in a State of Minority that then & in that case She shall inherit all the above Shares that I have Ordained & Willed to it I do leave it discretional with my Executors in what form the property had best be reserved for my Child & that it Shall Be Educated in Such form & manner as they Shall Judge most expedient. I do also Ordain that my beloved wife Mary be consulted & her approbation had in all things relative to the education & general management of the child I ordain that my negro Girl Betty Shall make a part of my wifes Share of my Estate at the rate of five hundred & Twenty Five dollars I do Ordain my Brother Jonathan my Brother in law Abraham Alexander & Docter Cunningham Harris to be executors of this my last will & Testament, which I do hereby acknowledge to have Signed & Executed this 9th day of August 1798 In presence of Charles Harris } Sam L Harris [Seal] James Flare } Mary Harris } I do request my Executors to procure a Suitable Tomb Stone to be Sent to Tennessee & placed at the head of my deceased Son who is buried there I leave the engraving at the discretion of my Brother Jonathan I do recomment my wife Mary to the friendly attention of her mother & all my Brothers & Sisters This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb