Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Stinson, Andrew January 30, 1779
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Joseph H. Howard May 8, 2007, 8:17 pm

Source: Holcomb, Brent H.  Mecklenburg County Nc Abstracts Of Early Wills
Written: January 30, 1779

Andrew Stinson (1740-1779)
Mecklenburg County, N.C.
Written 30 January 1779

Andrew Stinson's Will  (Holcomb, Brent H. Mecklenburg County, North Carolina 
Abstracts of Early Wills 1763-1790, Will Book F, pp. 150-151: C. R. 065.801.26)

In the name of God, Amen. The thirtieth day of January, in the year of our 
Lord, one thousand seventeen hundred and seventy nine, I Andrew Stinson of New 
Providence in the County of Mecklenburg, Yeoman, being very ill and weak in 
body but of present mind and memory. Thanks be unto God. Therefore, calling to 
my mind the mortality of body and knowing it is appointed for all men once to 
die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. That is to say, 
principally and first of all, 1 give and recommend my soul to the hands of 
Almighty God, who gave it; and for my body, I recommend to the earth to be 
buried in a Christian like and decent manner, at the direction of my 
Execution, not doubting but at the year of Resurrection, I shall receive the 
same again by the mighty power of God. And touching such worldly estate 
wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise and 
dispose of the same in the manner and form following, that is to say 

First, I will that all those Debts and Duties while I owe in right or 
conscience to any manner of reason or persons whatsoever, shall be well and 
truly contented and paid, and ordained to be paid within a convenient time 
after my decease by my executor hereby named...

Then I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter, Margaret Stinson, a dark 
bay horse named "Diamond" and a black and white heifer with calf, 
named "Beauty", and the best bed and the furniture and one half of the pewter, 
out of which she is to make up thirty pounds to be herein given to my youngest 
son, Alexander Stinson, when he is twenty one years of age, and to bring him 
up and give him a good education as her opportunities will allow.  

I bequeath to my daughter Sarah, a young horse, a heifer named _____ and a bed 
and it's furniture and the remaining half of the pewter, two other heifers, 
the one _____ and the other red with a whiteface, out of which she of her 
heirs, is or are to make up thirty pounds to given to my beloved daughter, 
Mary, and to bring her up and to give her as good an education as her 
opportunities will allow ...

Then I thus bequeath unto my beloved daughter, Martha Stinson, two cows, two 
sheep and a walnut chest

Then I thus give and bequeath unto my beloved son, David Stinson, all that 
my  ??? a tract of land which I now possess and a dark bay horse 
named "Jolly ", out of which he or his heirs are to pay unto my beloved John 
Stinson the sum of fifty pounds, North Carolina currency when arrives at the 
age of twenty one years, and in case of John's decease before his of age his 
part, where due, is to be paid unto my youngest son, Alexander, and their is a 
heifer which I bequeath to John ...

Then I also bequeath unto my beloved son, Andrew Stinson, a bay mare 
named "Jewel " and a sheep.  

I do make, constitute, ordain and appoint Alexander Stewart, John Woods and 
John Wily to be the only and sole executor of this my last will and Testament. 
And I do hereby, utterly disallow, void and disapprove all and every other 
former testaments. Wills and Legacies, bequests and Executors by me in any way 
before this time named, willed and bequeathed  ? and confirming this and no 
other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness thereof, I have entered my 
hand and seal the day and year above written.

Andrew Stinson (s) (Seal)
Wit: Alexander Inglis, Abraham Miller, Jurat, John McCreaven (J)

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