Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Finley, James January 16, 1806
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Lynn Beatty June 5, 2009, 8:54 am

Source: Josiah V. Thompson Journals, Vol. 13
Written: January 16, 1806

Court House Charlotte, N.C. office of clerk of Superior Courts May 21, 1925
Will book C Page 79
Will of James Finley of Mecklenburg Co.
Imprimis to son William a part of land abt 50 A.
2d to my son in law, Thomas White 100 A
3d to my daughter Jennet, remainder of tract & 40 acres adjoining.
As to my son Charles & my daughter Martha, wife to Daniel Robertson, having 
given them formerly, I make no further provision for them.  Also leaves Jennet 
all my stock of horses, cattle & hogs, plantaion tools
& farming utensils she paying out to my sons, James, John & George $1 each if 
they come for it within 12 mos & to my daughter, wife of William Chaple $1 & 
to my former son in law Henry Hergett $1 & lastly appoints daughter Jennet 
sole Exrs.  Dated Jany 16, 1806 James Finley (seal) Witnesses; William Doster, 
Samuel Gordon & John McCorckle.

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