Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Orr, Robert March 18, 1790
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Berry Orr August 3, 2010, 11:17 am

Source: Will Book E, Pg 51, 52 C. R.  065.801.22 Mecklenburg Co., Nc
Written: March 18, 1790

Source:  Will Book E, pg 51, 52 C. R.  065.801.22 Mecklenburg Co., NC 

Transcript of Wills

Will of ROBERT ORR of Mecklenburg Co

MECKLENBURG COUNTY: North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N. C.: Record of 
Wills: 1763~1844, Vols. A-H: 

Vol. E: Page 51 

In the name of God Amen. I Robert Orr of Mecklenburg County & State of N 
Carolina being sick of body but of sound & proper mind & memory, calling to mind 
my mortality, that it is appointed once for all men to die, after death the 
Judgment, I do first of all recommend my Soul to God thro' the merits of Christ 
& my body to be decently Buried at the discretion of my Executors believing that 
it Shall be raised by Christ at the last day. And Touching Worldly things which 
God hath given me, I do dispose & Order to be disposed of in the following 
manner, And first of all I do Order all my Legal & Just debts to be fully 
discharged out of my real & personal estate. ___ I do Will & bequeath unto my 
beloved Wife Jean one horse Saddle & bridle & one furnished bed & all my Clont? 
furniture & all her own Clothes & a Childs part of all my personal estate.  I do 
will & bequeath unto my beloved wife my dwelling house And a comfortable living 
out of my land while She remains a widow. Also it is my Will & desire that my 
family live all together & not Scatter & each one untill married shall have 
equal right to all the Benefits arising from my plantation Cloathing & Schooling 
untill the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred & two & as much longer as 
my Executors do see necessary for the good & benefit of all my beloved family __ 
I do Will & bequeath to my two beloved Sons Viz Alexander & John the whole of my 
lands only the reserves above Written & to be Equally divided between them both 
& in case I have another son born it Shall have a full divide of all my land 
equal to my other two Sons but neither of Sons Shall have power to Sell my land 
without the consent of my beloved wife & my other Executors ~ I do Will & 
bequeath unto my Wife & Six daughters viz  Hannah,  Esther, Elizabeth,  Jean, 
Rebecca  & Agness  the whole of my personal Estate to be equally divided amongst 
them & in case I have one other daughter born She shall have an equal divide 
with her Sisters & each one Shall have their divide given off to them when 
married at the discretion of my beloved wife & my other Executors; And Lastly 
appoint it 
as my last Will & pleasure that my well beloved wife Jean, Archibald Carns & 
Alexander Carns Shall be the Whole & sole Executors of this my last Will & 
Testament, hereby revoking & renouncing all former Wills Gifts Legacies, 
Confirming this & no other to be my last Will & Testament. In Testimony whereof 
I have hereunto Set my hand & seal this 18th of March in the year of our Lord 
1790 And in the 15th year of American Independence.
Declared by the Said Robert Orr to be his last Will 
& Testament in presence of Us 
Daniel Carns} 			Robert Orr - [seal] 
John Lethern } 
Samuel Lethern } 

      Proved October session 1791

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