Mecklenburg-Cabarrus County NcArchives Wills.....Harris, Samuel 1789 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Gary June 2, 2007, 10:10 pm Source: Mrs. Wright's Book Written: 1789 This is taken from Mrs. Wright's book "A Record of Descendants of Isaac Ross & Jean Brown and the Allied Families of Alexander, Conger, Harris, Hill, King, Killingsworth, Mackey, Moores, Sims, Wade, Reece, etc publisher unknown, date 1911 Anne M Wright WILL OF SAMUEL HARRIS In the name of God, Amen. I, Samuel Harris, of the State of Georgia and County of Greene, being weak in body but of sound memory (blessed be God), do this tenth day of March, 1789, make this my last will and testament in the following named, that is to say: First-- I will and bequeath to my son Robert Harris, 40 pounds and my wearing apparel, Also I bequeath to my son, James Harris, 15 pounds. I give and bequeath to my son Thomas, one negro man named Sanco, and one negro woman named Dinah, and that my son, Thomas pay 10 pounds to the other legatees. Also I give and bequeath to my son, Samuel Harris, the sum of 30 pounds. Also I bequeath to my son-in-law, William Wylie, 30 pounds and my desk. Also I bequeath to my son-in-law, Thomas McCaul, the sum of 30 pounds. Also I give and bequeath to my son, John Harris, the sum of 10 pounds. Also I give to my son, William Harris, the sun of 20 pounds. Also I give and bequeath to my grandson, Samuel Ross, the sum of 15 pounds. Also I give and bequeath to my son, Laird Harris' (deceased) son, Laird, the sum of 10 pounds and a horse worth 10 pounds, and if he should die before he comes to the age of 21 years, the property to return to my own children, to be divided among them on the same principals that my other bequeathments are made. Also I give and bequeath to my son Matthew, 200 acres of land, whereon he now lives, and a negro girl, Ruth, and a negro man, Peter, to be his property after the decease of my wife, Martha Harris. Also I give and bequeath to my son, Matthew, 200 acres of land, whereon he now lives, and a negro girl, Ruth, and a negro man, Peter, to be his property after the decease of my wife, Martha Harris. Also I give and bequeath to my sons, Thomas and Matthew, and my son-in-law William Wylie, all my plantation, tools and implements of husbandry and kitchen furniture, to be equally divided among them by lot after the decease of my wife, Martha. Also, I give and bequeath my library of books to my children, to be equally divided by lot to all except Thomas McCaul. Also I give and bequeath to my grand-son, Moses Wiley, a negro woman named Mary Ann, to be his after the death of my wife, Martha, providing he acquit my heirs of a sum of money I am indebted to Moses, deceased, which is about 14 pounds, principal and interest thereon due, and if the said Moses should die without issue, the negro to revert to my own children, to be divided on the same principles as above mentioned. Also I give and bequeath to my son, Matthew Harris, a negro man named March, in place of the negro Peter, who he is to get as aforesaid, and March is to be sold for the use of my other children, to be divided as before mentioned. Also my land to be sold to the highest bidder after the decease of my wife, together with my wagons and horses and cattle, and all such articles as are not bequeathed to any one of my legatees. Also I will and bequeath to my wife, Martha Harris, all that pertaining to the dwelling house, orchards, buildings, cleared land (all that is on the same side of the branch on which the buildings stand.) Also the use of two horses fit for service and three milch cows, kitchen furniture, household plumishon, and after her decease to be observed that the kitchen furniture and household plumishon to be only divided among my children Thomas and Matthew Harris and Wm. Wylie. All my property that is not divided, willed or bequeathed to any one of my legatees is hereby ordered to be exposed for sale, and the net products to be divided in proportion to the above legatees mentioned to my own children only. I hereby ordain Thomas Harris, Samuel Harris, and Andrew Reid my sole executors of this my last will and testament, to take care and see the same performed according to my true intent and meaning, and I do hereby renounce all and former wills and bequeathments whatsoever. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Schedule: It is to be remembered that March is to be in Matthew's service during the life of my wife Martha, then to give up March and take Peter, and March to be sold and the net products to be divided as above to my own children. Also I appoint and constitute Andrew Baxter one of my executors. Signed, sealed and executed in the presence of James Flanigan, Elizabeth Baxter, and Martha Harris. Samuel Harris (Seal) My note: the Thomas McCaul is usually spelled McCaule by him. It was often McCall prior to Thomas. This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.5 Kb