Mecklenburg-Cabarrus-Union County NcArchives Wills.....Long, Catherine 1820
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
John B. Hagler March 12, 2008, 3:46 am

Source: Nc Archives
Written: 1820

In the name of god amain I Catherine Long of the county of Macklinburge and 
State of North Carolina do make & ordain this to be my last will and testament 
and being in a low condition but of perfect mind and memory and calling to 
mind the mortallity of my body knowing that it is appointed for all womans 
once to die I recomend my Soul to god Who gave it and my body to be buried in 
a deacent manner at the discretion of my Excutors which Shall be here after 
named as for what worldly Estate it had pleased god to bless me with I Dispose 
of it in the following manner

first I order my funiral Expences and all my Just Debts to be paid out of the 
whole of my Estate also I bequathe to my Daughter Catey Clance an Equal Share 
of my Estate and also I bequathe to my Sons Jacob Long Henry Long Adam Long 
and John Long an Equal Share of my Estate and also I bequathe to my Daughter 
peggy Long and Equal Shere of my Estate and also I bequathe to my Daughter 
mary Long an Equal Shere Except one third I bequathe to hur Son Archibald Polk

as for my Daughter moley hegler which is now dead has an Equal Sheare with the 
Rest of my children which Shere I Bequath Equaly with her Living Children the 
oldest child Henry hegler John, adam and phillip hun (Junior)& Daughters 
peggy Hegler Caty and Barberry hegler

I order the following articles to be sold as Soon as convenient after my Death 
Such as I have not mentioned in my will Except my bed and firnitings Spinning 
Wheel and wearing Clothes these is not to be Sold by the will I Shall Dispose 
of them as see fit as for all the Rest of my property I order to be sold to 
the best advantage an soon as concenient after my DeceseI do hereby nominate 
and ordain Henry Long Executor of this my Lat will and testament and by it I 
Do hereby Revoke all other wills and testament heretoforemade by me In 
testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 29th of March 1820
Sigen Catherine X LongSeal
sealed in presencemark
Wm. gilliam
Archibald Polk


The call number for the will at the North Carolina Archives is CR065.801.164 
and is the will of Catherine Long, wife of Henry, whose surname was anglicized 
Long from the German Lange. Catherine died in 1824.


It should be noted that the name moley up above is the nickname Mollie which 
Catherine called her daughter whose given name was Magdalene. It should be 
further noted that the writer of the will incorrectlyspelled Hagler as 
Hegler. Also, the name Catyis the shortened version of Catherine and Barberry 
should have been written as Barbara.

According to microfilm R.016.607.2 which are some of the records of St. John`s 
Lutheran Church on Buffalo Creek in Cabarrus County as recorded by Rev. Adam 
Nicholas Marcard are the baptismal records of:


Henry born March 13, 1797 baptised December 31, 1797
parents Philip Hegler & wife Magdalene 
Henry and Catherine Lange (Long)

John born March 4, 1799 baptised September 22, 1799
parents Phillip Hegler & wife Magdalen 
John and Catherine Hegler

In Lutheran baptismal records sponsors are like god parents in other 

It should be noted that the child Henry was named for his maternal grandfather 
and the child John was named for his paternal grandfather who had died before 
May 1772.

John Blair Hagler -

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