Mecklenburg-Rowan County NcArchives Wills.....Haygler, John 1771 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: John Blair Hagler January 28, 2008, 7:35 pm Source: Nc Archives Written: 1771 In The Name of God Amen I John Haigler of the County of Mecklenburg and Province of North Carolina being at this Time of Perfect health and of Sound mind and Disposing Memory, and being Now Inlisted in the Service of this province in order to Quell the Riots and Rebellions Now Raised Against the Government by the people Called Regulators and not knowing how Soon it may Please God to Call me out of this Life, Either by the hands of the Common Enemy or by Divine Providence Do therefore Make and Ordain this and No other to be my Last will and Testament. As to my worldy Substance wherewith God has been pleased to Bless me with I will Devise and bequeath in Manner and form following that is to Say - Imprimis I will that my Beloved wife Barbara have Possession of my dwelling house and plantation dureing her widowhood in order to Support her and those Children now Living with he (sic) untill they marry or Come of Age According to the Different Sex and in Case my Said wife Should marry I will that She have one Third Part of my Lands or one Third part of the next yearly Profits dureing her life and in Case of her death or her Inter Marrying again I will that my Executors do Sell and Dispose of my Land in the best manner they Can and that the money Arrising from the Sale to be Equally divided between my Children in General by Even and Equal portions, Except to my Son John who is a Cripple to whom I give five pounds more than any of the rest, and in order to pay my Just Debts and other purposes I will that all my Movable Estate be Sold by My Executors at publick Sale and the money arising therefrom to be Divided in like manner that is to Say one third to my Said wife and the Remaining part to be Equally divided among the Children. I devise and give my Son Jacob one Strawbery Mare, Three Years old, haveing formerly him that filly. And I do herby Nominate Constitute My Loving Friend Paul Barringer Esq'r and Barbara Haigler my loved wife to be Executors of this my Last will and Testament Ratifying and Confirming This and no other to be my Last will Revoking and Annulling all and Every other and former wills heretofore by me made or Divised in Testimony whereof I do hereunto Set my hand and affix my Sele at Salisbury in Rowan County this Twenty Ninth day of May 1771. Signed Sealed Declared and } John Haygler Pronounced by the said John } Haigler in presents of us who } in his presence and at his request } have signed our Names as Witnesses } John Pifer Dan'l Little Walt Lindsay John Dunn NC Archives Mecklenburg County Wills 1749-1967 CR.065.801.99 Registerd in Book D page 40 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb