Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Shelby, Moses September 2, 1775
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Lynn Beatty January 21, 2007, 9:59 am

Source: Josiah V. Thompson Journals
Written: September 2, 1775

      The D.A.R. Magazine for Apr 1928 page 247 gives abstract of will of 
Moses Shelby of Mecklenburg Co NC dated Sept 2, 1775 probated, recorded Will 
book F office of clerk of Superior court, Mecklenberg Co.  Mentions wife & 
sons: William, John not yet 21, Evan, Thomas & Moses & daughters: Catharine 
Shelby, Margaret Shelby, Rachel Shelby, Isabella Shelby Eleanor Caruthers & 
Mary Wylie.  Exr is wife, Oliver Wylie & sons Evan & Thomas

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