Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Caldwell, David 1780
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Ann Gary May 31, 2007, 5:31 pm

Source: Will Book A. Pp. 185-186
Written: 1780

Will of David Caldwell of Mecklenburg County, being very sick &
weak in body....unto Ann Caldwell my beloved wife, her bed & all
my household furniture & two negroes Nightingale & Emey & two cows 
& her horse & saddle; to my son James Caldwell, L 200: to my son
John Caldwell, L 200; to my daughter Mary Gun, L 200; to my daugh-
ter Isabella Harris, L 200; to my son William Caldwell, the plan-
tation that I now live on which I hold by deed from Arthur Dobbs
& my negro boy Henry; to my granddaughter Ann Harris, my little
negro wench Sally; to my granddaughter Ann Caldwell, the planta-
tion that her father lived on which I held by deed from Abner

Nash; to my grandson David White, my bay yearling mare colt; to
my grandson David Davis, my sorrel yearling mare colt, 13 Dec
1780.                            David Caldwell (Seal)
Wit:  Saml Sempl
      James Morrison 
      John Carruth

    Will Book A. pp. 185-186    C. R. 065.801.12

NOTE:  David Caldwell's daughter, Isabella Harris is wife of William Harris,
       Son of Samuel and Martha Laird Harris.

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