Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Harris, Jr., Samuel 1824
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Ann Gary May 31, 2007, 5:56 pm

Source: Vol. D: Page 23
Written: 1824


Born abt 1742 in Lancaster County, PA

Will: 17 Jun 1824, Mecklenburg County, NC

MECKLENBURG COUNTY: Record of Wills: 1763-1844, Vols. A-H: C.065.80001: North
Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N.C. 

Vol. D: Page 23

    In the name of God Amen. I Samuel Harris of the County of Mecklenburg & 
State of N Carolina Being of Sound & perfect mind & memory blessed be God 
calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing it is appointed for all men 
once to die, I make & Ordain this my last Will & Testament & first I recommend 
my Soul to God who gave it, & my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian 
& decent manner at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named. As 
touching such worldly goods as the Lord has blessed  me with I do dispose of 
it in the following manner & form. Is my will that all my Just debts be paid. 

    Item I will & bequeath to my beloved wife Rebecca two hundred & Seventy 
five Dollars to be paid one year after my death. I also will to my wife my 
negro  woman Hannah & her two youngest Children Also my Chesley Horse her 
Saddle & bridle, three Cows &calves, one plow, one pair of Gears, one hoe, one 
ax, also one bed & furniture also my chest of Drawers half Dozen Table Silver 
Spoons, also half Dozen tea Do., one half of the dresser furniture to her & 
Heirs forever I also will to my wife one third of the plantation I now live on 
to be (laid) off by men appointed for that purpose. It is my will that my wife 
has one third of the Barn room & one third of the Orchard & also my mansion 
but not to the Exclusion of my Grand daughter Sarah A Harris & Grandson Isaac 
Harris if they chose to live in it. I also will to my wife my negro fellow 
Jack all which beaqueathments I will to during her widowhood or natural life 
after which time I will to my son Laird H Harris to him & his Heirs forever. 

Item I will to my Stepdaughters Dorcas Johnston & Isabella Orr Twenty five 
Dollars each                     

Item I will to my son Samuel Harris three Hundred Dollars
Item I will to my son Robert Harris three hundred Dollars also my negro woman 
Nan to him & his Heirs.    

Item I will to my Granddaughter Margaret Moriah Harris one hundred & fifty 
dollars to her & her Heirs forever

Item I will to my Grand daughter Sarah A Harris two hundred & fifty dollars 
Also a Bureau, one bed & furniture, also one half of the dresser furniture to 
her & her Heirs forever, also a Saddle & Bridle

Item I Will to my Grandson Isaac Harris two hundred dollars to him his Heirs 
forever. I also will to have a Saddle & Bridle.

Item. I will to my Granddaughter Caroline Harris three hundred & fifty Dollars 
to her & her Heirs forever. All which Legacies is to be placed (in) the hands 
of their Guardians till they are Twenty one years of Age (bearing) Interest 
one year after my death, but if any of them Should (die) before they are of 
the age of Twenty One, then it is my will that the (bequest) Shall be 
agreeably divided among the Survivors. It is also my will that Sarah A Harris 
& Isaac Harris be raised & educated & clothed out of my estate at the 
discretion of the Guardian.

Item. I will to my Grandsons Robert Cochran. Moore Cochran, David Cochran, 
James Cochran, Stanhope Cochran, two hundred & fifty dollars each. Item. I 
Will my Grand Son Samuel H. Cochran & my Grand daughter Margaret Alexander 
thirty five Dollars cash.

Item. I will to my Son in law John Cochran Twenty five Dollars.

Item. I will to my Daughter Martha my negro woman Patience, to her & her Heirs 

I also will to my daughter Martha three hundred dollars to be paid one year 
after death.

Item. I will to my Daughter Mary Gilmor (My note: Mary Harris married Capt. 
John Gilmer) my negro woman Kate, Also three hundred dollars to be paid one 
year after death to her & her Heirs forever.

Item I will to my Daughter Margaret Johnson two hundred & Seventy five 
Dollars. Also Six Chairs, one feather bed and furniture, two Cows & calves, 
two Ewes & Lambs to her & her Heirs forever.

Item. I will to my daughter Evalina Harris (my note married Wiley Harris) two 
hundred & seventy five dollars. I also will to my daughter Evalina fifty 
dollars in place of the Cattle & Sheep that the rest of my Children has 
received to be paid one year after my death to her & her Heirs forever.

Item. I will to my Daughter Jane McConnel, (my note: 2nd marriage Andrew 
McConnell) Two hundred & Seventy five dollars, also half dozen chairs, two 
Ewes and lambs to her & her Heirs forever.

Item. I will & bequeath to my Grandson Samuel C. Harris my negro girl Betsey 
Silina to him & his Heirs forever. The Said Samuel C Harris to pay his Brother 
Elam S Harris Eighty dollars one year after my death.

Item. I will to Eliza Ferguson's four children one hundred dollars to be 
equally divided among them.

Item I will to my Son Laird H Harris all the plantation I now live on 
Excepting the part willed to my wife during her widowhood or natural life to 
him & his Heirs forever.

Also my Desk & book case. Also my watch, also my negro woman Rachel to him & 
his Heirs forever. Also one hundred Dollars in Cash or notes.

Item. It is my will that my Library of books be divided among my wife & my Own 

Item. It is my will that my wearing apparel be as equally as possible divided 
among my male Grand children,

Item. It is my will that the negroes & other property not herein mentioned & 
bequeathed be exposed to public Sale & it is my will that the money arising 
from Such Sale be equally divided among all my children not including my Son 
Cunningham Harris four Children to one tenth part & it is Also my will that my 
Daughter Dorcas Children receive one tenth part of the whole of the Ballance 
of my Estate after the various bequeaths & one hundred Dollars to some 
Charitable use to be applied  at the discretion of my Executors. And Lastly I 
do appoint my Son Laird H Harris & my Trusty friend Jonathan Harris & John 
Gingles to be my whole & sole Executors of this my last will & Testament & I 
do hereby disannul & revoke all other wills & Testaments or bequeathments  
heretofore made or mentioned, Ratifying & confirming this & no other to be my 
last Will & Testament. In Witness hereunto I Set my hand & Seal this 17th day 
of June 1824.

In the presence of
John Wilson Senr.  }
Samuel Wilson      }                    Sam'. Harris [Seal]
John W Wilson      }          


Item. I will & bequeath to my Grandson Samuel H Smith one hundred Dollars to 
him & his Heirs forever

John Wilson Senr   }
Samuel Wilson      }   
John W Wilson      }

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