Mecklenburg County NcArchives Wills.....Smith, Daniel June 22, 1822
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Beverly Watson June 30, 2012, 11:16 am

Source: Original Document Online At Mecklenburg County, Nc Register Of Deeds
Written: June 22, 1822

Quit Claim - Estate of Daniel Smith
Deed Book 24, Pg 133
22 Jun 1822

State of North Carolina Mecklenburg  Know all men by these presents that we  
in hare (sic) named are hereunto subscribed to wit Joseph Smith Daniel Smith 
John Smith Jane Glover & Hannah Reaves Children of Daniel Smith late of the 
County & state aforesd & Henry H. Glover & William Reaves husband of Jane 
Glover & Hannah Reaves all of us being the proper heirs at law of the Sd. 
Daniel Smith Decd late of the County & state affoursd. (sic) who died Indebted 
& taking in consideration the situate (sic) of Elizabeth Smith our Mother & 
Widdow of the Sd. Daniel Smith Decd in consequence of his dying Intestate have 
Although proper being Heirs at law at full proper being cost? for ourselves to 
place our Mother the Sd. Elizabeth of the County & State afoursd. in a 
situation & circumstance as we think better the new one the purpose of 
Educating supporting raising the other children of the Sd. D. Smith Decd which 
are underage & now with her until he do become of age do by these presents 
relinquish all right title claim & Interest that we may might should or of 
right ought to have or claim of the Sd. Estate of Daniel Smith decd unto the 
Sd. Elizabeth Smith our Mother To have hold & enjoy & do with as she pleases 
forever & we do further resine (sic) relies (sic) & quit claim to any & every 
part & to all maner of property or mony that we might could have claimed of 
the Sd. Estate in consequence of his the Sd. Daniel Smith dying Intestate so 
that neither of us or our heirs or assigns nor any other person for us in our 
name shall ever hereafter claim any right title Interest of or in the Sd. 
Estate of the Sd. Daniel Smith we having Received a potion (sic portion) of 
property in the life time of Sd. Daniel we suppose to the amounts of between 
800 & 1000 Dollars each which we consider as our share & which we are willing 
to take & do take as full satisfaction of Sd. estate in Witness whereof we 
have hereunto set our hands & seals this 22 of June 1822.
Test Benjamin J. Dinkens		Joseph Smith (Seal)
					Daniel Smith (Seal)
					Samuel Smith (Seal)
					John D. Smith (Seal)
					Jane Glover (Seal)
					Hannah Reaves (Seal)		
					H. H. Glover (Seal)
					Wm. Reaves (Seal)

Receipt 2 negro Girls which had been named in the lifetime of Sd. Daniel to 
Jane Glover & Hannah Reeves & delivered this day above written before the 
assigns of the above Relinquishment in payments of the above witnesses

We whose names are here unto annexed being the lawful heirs of Daniel Smith 
Decd but not full age at the time the above relinquishment was signed by the 
other legatees do now live (?) of full age agree to Each & every part of the 
above relinquishment the Sd. Elizabeth Smith our Mother our part of property 
mentioned the sum to be proper are & against every claim person or and heirs 
witness our hands our hands (sic) & seal this 25 day April 1836.
Test Alex H. Dickens	        A. J. Bowden		J. P. Smith
				Elizabeth Bowden 	Benjamin R. Smith

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